April: The Amazing Month.

April is my favorite month. Simply because it is the time I was born on (almost) 20 years ago. Also, April is the month when my favorite dudes were born.

1. Gerard Arthur Way (April 9th, 1977)

2. Brendon Boyd Urie (April 12th, 1987)

3. Patrick Vaughn Stump (April 29th, 1984)

Awesome kan??? ;)

Oh, btw!
Thanks so much for being as awesome as you are.
Thanks for not giving up on Panic! At The Disco.
Thanks for awesome songs in "Vices & Virtues".
Lastly, thanks for making me drool over your cute face.
Sincerely, ieka.



Anonymous said…
fuhhh drop dead hot esp GEE! just eyeraped em haha. btw when is ur bday eh?
haneul. said…
HAHAHA. kan? he's still hot eventho umo dah 34. xD my birthday is on April 16th. :)
Anonymous said…
yup..can't believe he's a dad now.. HOT PAPA<333
wah 3 more days! happy bday in advance:)
haneul. said…
YES! hot daddy! sure best jadi anak dia. xD aw, thanks!! :)

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