Lousy Sunday.
I received lots of bad news today. First, I woke up to the news of Dougie Poynter. He is currently in rehab. Rumor has it that he's, unfortunately, still not over his split from a bitch named Frankie Sandford. FRANKIE WHO? Francesca Sandford from the girl band, The Saturdays. Do anyone here actually know her?? SHE IS A BITCH. She dumped Dougie for a second time and hooked up with Wayne Bridge in less than a month. And poor Dougie has to go through a lot. :(
How could anyone do something like that to a hottie like him??
Second, Dad won't send me to AS to attend the Majlis Anugerah Dekan. I spent the evening crying in my room. :(
Lastly, Man United lost for the second time in a row. I can't remember the last time they lost two consecutive matches. I seriously can't recall. The match was so sick I almost puke. My head hurts from laughing to much. You see, I even made a list of things I truly hate about Man United.
1. Semua player lembik.
2. Tak ada sorang pun yang excellent in heading.
3. Set piece yang sangat sucks.
4. Manager who always thinks he has the best players.
5. Kedekut nak beli new players.
6. Suka simpan / renew contract player yang hampeh.
7. Suka loan out good & reliable players.
8. Tak ada player yang boleh dribble & tackle dengan baik.
I need to take over Man United as soon as possible.
Sir Alex, you can GTFO.