An Update From The Library.

Wee! Finally have the time to go online in college! I'm actually doing my EC assignment. I chose Fueled By Ramen as the 'model'. Pretty sure none of my classmates chose the same model as mine. HAHA. So I won't be accused for copying, stealing or whatever you call it. *wink*

BTW, I'm going home tomorrow, right after class. But but... My friend said that the bus tickets to Butterworth has SOLD OUT until Thursday! D; Neeiiinn! HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO GO HOME???? T_T Ok, calm down. Penang isn't that far from Alor Star. Daddy can pick me up at anytime, so chillax. Don't freak. *breatheinbreatheout* Well, I hope Daddy will pick me up if I can't get a ticket home. *crossing every fingers I have*

Pray for me, please??


Unknown said…
I hope you can get back home because being at home is awesome!
haneul. said…
THANKS! :) well, the ticket bus sold semua tu was just a rumor. pfft! x)

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