New Favorite Band.
Boys and girls....
I would like to introduce to y'all.
My new favorite band..

Yes, these guys (and a girl) called themselves Neon Trees. And they're pretty amazing. Heard their song, "Animals" on my favorite radio station Fly FM. Fell in love almost instantly. I've heard all their songs from their debut album, "Habits" & they rocks! My personal favorite would be Animals, In The Next Room & Your Surrender. Actually, all their songs are amazing & oh, I don't care about how they look, I care about their music, their passion. And they have a girl drummer! I always wanted to be a drummer but... :/ Whatev, these guys are so worth the listen. If you're into alternative rock, you'll love this band. :) Listen to these songs first before you judge...
"In The Next Room"
And this song cover..