Freaky Tuesday.


Hahahahaha. I WON NICKI MINAJ's "Pink Friday" ALBUM FROM FLY 30 COUNTDOWN! Well, that's funny! I'm not even a fan but somehow I got lucky. xD I won the CD by just tweeting an answer to a very simple question; "What is the name of Neon Trees' vocalist?" The answer is TYLER GLENN. The reward for being a fan of Neon Trees, that was.. Nicki Minaj's album. Pfft! xD The only reason why I was listening to Fly 30 Countdown today was because I wanted to listen to the interview with Tyler. And I 'accidentally' tweeted the answer to them, when I was in the shower. Yup. I brought my phone to the shower with me, just because I didn't want to miss out interview. What a fan I am. LOL. Then Jaydee DM-ed me & asked for my phone number so that she can get my details. A few minutes later, she called. I almost screamed. Cause it was Jaydee on the phone, yaaww! Haha. xD When Jaydee asked for my e-mail, she instantly knew that I'm a fan of Bill Kaulitz. Ohh! Haha. I couldn't stop smiling after that and all my housemates were like, "Babe, stop smiling, you're making us worried." LOL. And a few hours later, they played my song request, Hurricanes and Suns (Tokio Hotel). Me and Juliez were requesting like cray for the song. BEST DAY.


This thing is on its way to get me, its new owner. xD


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