What I Want.

I want...
1. To quit study
2. To work.
3. To have my own money.
4. To go to a couple of concerts next year.
5. To buy lots of new clothes + shoes.
6. To watch every movies in the cinemas.
7. "This is War Deluxe" (the blue cover).
8. "Notes from the Outernet" (signed and numbered)

9. At least ONE shirt / hoodie from "Glamour Kills" or "JAGK".

10. At least ONE "Defector" (biker jacket) from "Straight to Hell".

11. Blackberry Bold 9780

12. An iPad.

13. A headphone, "Solo" (black) from "Beats by Dr Dre".

14. An earphone, "Heartbeats by Lady Gaga" (black chrome - with control talk) from "Beats by Dr Dre".

15. HP ENVY 14 Beats Edition.

16. Jared's hair to stay like this forever.