Amazing Photos of an Amazing Man From Amazing Shows.
I found a lot of photos of 30 Seconds to Mars / Jared Leto on a website-which-i-can't-say. Most of the photos are amazing, shot by amazing photographers, I assume. I wanna share some of the photos with you guys over here. :)
He's an angel in the rock scene. He really is.
"Jared, why are you wearing a Buzz Lightyear suit?" LAWL!

FACE!! Funny face. Haha xD
asdfghjkl! Do I need to explain more about this photo???
Tomo in action! YEAH!
Ah, Jared with his smurfy blue hair.. Rockin' hard with Shannon.

I love, adore the outfit he was wearing. And he looks super great in all-white. I love his jacket, his guitar, his pants, his body, his... Ok. Stop.
Fuckin love this one. Bet he was singing "This is War" when this photo was taken.
Oh, God.. I love this photo. His face spells 'enthusiasm'.

I love this photo! He looked like he was enjoying himself and look at those skinny legs! HNG!
This is a great photo. Probably was taken when they performed their last song. The position of Jared's legs makes him look like he was modelling. Plus the confetti... Amazing.

This is my favorite photo. It gives me chill whenever I look at it.
I kinda miss that hair. The sleepy marshawk hair.

I love his guitars. It's the same kind but different colour. I don't just love the guitars, I adore it. I want it. Too bad I don't play guitar that much.
I love this! *fangirl screams*