This Lil Boy Sure Got Some Attitude.

Meet... Andra Raimi.
My one and only nephew.
My brother's first child.
My parents' first grandchild.

He's turning 4 (months) tomorrow. And he's been acting like a diva lately. He knows how to get angry, WHEN to get angry. He knows how and when to sulk. MERAJUK! OMG! Tersangat mengada, okay! Lol. ;P When he was 2-month-old, dia merajuk kat his daddy. Just because his daddy marah him for being too loud. You know, crying. For hours. He sulked, didn't look at his daddy's face for days. Wow. Isn't that a little too much for a 2-month-old baby? IKR! Well, just now, Mom told me that this spoiled lil baby merajuk at my dad (his Tok Ba aka Granpa), for the same reason dia merajuk at his daddy. And, note this... Kalau dulu dia senang nak tidur, but now, not anymore. How to make him sleep? Dukung him and bawak him jalan2 satu rumah. He'll fall asleep kat atas orang. OMG SANGAT DIVA! xD As I was posting this, he's still not asleep. He's playing with his mom and his Tok Ba kat bawah. Haha. And dia baru habis nangis because kena makan ubat. Poor baby... ;) I'm gonna play with him now.

Till the next post. Bye!


Rosmawani♥ said…
olor2 comey andra raimi ni.. mcm mama dia... heheheh :)
haneul. said…
hahaha. yeap. makin hari, makin comel dia :D

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