A Family Day Out & Football.

Today (30/10/10) was a pretty good day. A family day out & football. What more could I ask for? The day started with me waking up at 1PM, like usual. *ehem* Hihihi. ;P At 4PM, we went to Jusco SPC for lunch. Daddy had decided to have lunch at Ayam Penyet restaurant. The ayam penyet was oober awesome! Me likey! After that, I bought a set of Big Apple's donuts with ONO Oreo as the 'main' donut. ;) Then at 8PM, Kak Ina (my sis-in-law) came home with Andra. We (me, my bro, Kak Ina & Andra) went to Tesco to do some shopping. I babysat Andra for the whole shopping trip. I'M NOT COMPLAINING . xD 12.30AM, Man United vs Tottenham Hotspur. It was the match I've been waiting for. I admit, i wasn't convinced by Man Utd's performance lately so I expected this match to be tough. Besides, Spurs have great players like Gareth Bale & Rafael van der Vaart. It turned out to be.... NOT TOUGH AT ALL. Nemanja Vidic managed to score a goal from a header. It was a nice...