Hah! My new favourite TV show. GLEE! Glee had changed people’s perspective of being a loser. L isn’t for loser anymore, it means another word; GLEE. :D In Malaysia, Glee is shown on channel 711, Star World, right after American Idol, but I never had the chance to watch it on SW. I’m watching it on NTV7 instead. Baru start last Tuesday and it’s on the second (going on third) episode. I know I was a little late, but it’s never too late. Right? :) So far, I love the show. It’s amazing to see Cory Monteith sing and dance in the show, haha! The songs featured are simply amazing and current (thanks to Kara Dioguardi for keep saying that word on Idol. LOL.) And I think I have a connection with the character, Rachel Barry. I feel like Rachel is the inner me. We are pretty much the same, except for the singing part, of course. Lea Michele’s voice is incredible. I love watching her live act. She knows exactly how to control her voice; she knows when to lower her notes so that she won’t be shrieking. :) I just want to say one thing; I am now officially a Gleek. :D
Cory Monteith as "Finn"