Before it All Fell Apart.

13 MAY 2010 / THURSDAY

This is the first time in months I wrote this blog entry in my so-called diary. :) I just went through this diary, read all my previous entries, re-discovered old secrets; I realized that I was so stupid back then. I fell in love with a wrong guy. Now I have found my ‘true love’, he doesn’t have a clue about it. How sad... :/ But there’s still hope for me, so no worries. :) In this entry, I will be telling you about my life’s journey since 25th of April until now. Okay, on April 25 (Sunday), I took a sneak peak at his coursework for Mandarin subject. His coursework was not so good and that makes me worried. I do not want him to repeat the subject. I also dah hafal his ID number, he he... ;) On April 29, I received a compliment from him. It made me go pretty wild. xD He said that I’m ‘terer’ (it means “smart” in English) because I answered his riddle correctly. Haha! On the next day (April 30, Friday), I had a VERY nice dream. It involved my KPTM ‘boyfies’, haha! In the dream, I was at prom. Well, sort of. xP All the boys wore an all-white suit with a black tie. I was walking around the ballroom and the first person I saw was my ‘dear’ cousin. There was a girl beside him. I did not know who the girl was and I didn’t even care. He was staring intensely at me as if I was a princess or something. LMAO! Then, I continued my ‘perjalanan’ and I saw him there! He was talking to his friends. I remembered him looking so... handsome. :D he saw me and he smiled at me. It was like, the greatest moment I my life. But then, I heard a familiar voice. It was my Mom’s voice. Aww, shucks! My dream ended there. :( On the evening of the same day, something interesting happened. He sort of asked me out!!! Well, he didn’t say, “Jom tengok wayang” or something like that. We were talking about his sick joke (being in a relationship with his BFF, E) when he suddenly told me that, he wants to watch Iron Man 2. I said, “Wah, bestnya! Nak ikut.. Hehe. “ Dalam hati aku dah screamed out loud dah. xD Then, I asked, “Nak tengok kat mana?” He said, “AS Mall. Midnight punya.” I could not go anyway. Saja nak menggatal dengan dia. Hehehehe. In conclusion, April had been good to me. :D May 1st (Saturday), Mak and Abah wento to a kenduri at AS. Mak told me that my cousin was there and he asked about me. Okay... Oh, I had news about my boyfies’ rancangan yesterday. Tak jadi! Wayang full. They ended up playing bowling instead. xD May 2 (Sunday): I had a weird dream. I dreamed about my two cousins, D & N. They had a secret affair! LMAO! They didn’t even know each other, yet they have a secret affair. Weird! May 7 (Friday): I discovered a horrible truth! He said he will ask his mom to find him his jodoh and he will accept ANY GIRL whom wants to be his GF as long as she is sincere. ROTFLMAO! xD May 11 (Tuesday): I had a fucking awesome dream! It involved Tokio Hotel. They were at my house, only three of them, without Gustav.we were laughing and talking like we have known each other for so long. Then, they gave me their autographs! :D OMG, I wish it were real. :/ On this day, we did not have any exam’s paper to answer so we went to Kuala Kedah, eating laksa. Then, we went to ronda-ronda at Star Parade until 9PM. :)


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