MARCH: The "Full-of-Surprises" Month.


I Was Being Bullied Again

I wore high heels to college today. While I was searching for a lecturer at the first floor, I saw my stalker talking to a guy whom I stalked a few weeks back. (At LR101) D saw me and said, “Aii. Awat tinggi nih?” I just laughed and my stalker came through the door. I was holding the door for him, without me knowing it. lol. Hours later, we had two classes at LR102. I bumped into him again. He saw me walking and this time he said, “Uish! Macam lecturer ar...” I was like, “WTF...??” Then I ‘fought’ with him. I asked, “Apa? Dok cakap belakang ehh...??” He said, “Tak ah, aku cakap tepi ja.” Kau memang sial! Huhuhu.


Stats Test and My Stalker

We had Stats test today, at night. I stayed back at college with 5 friends. While we were waiting at the LR classes, D and the gang came and sat at the end of the room. They were having a small meeting and my stalker sat at the chair that faces me. I freaked out. I kept looking at him and he was doing the same thing. Hah!


A Message from D!

At 2.55PM, I received a message from D, asking me whether I have a blazer or not. I said, I don’t own one and sorry can’t help him. That was all.


Golden Scroll Society (GSS)

No classes for today but we, the Dean’s listers have to go for a meeting at the main campus at 11.40AM. We missed the meeting and we were told that the “Majlis Anugerah Dekan” would be held at 21st March, that is on Sunday. Okay. I told Anis & Iqbal and they wanted me to ask my stalker to be my date. If only I could do that! Lol. Oh, while I was waiting for Pak Burn to come and pick us up, Shemah told me that there was a guy who kept looking at me but I didn’t noticed. Actually, I did noticed him, but I buat dunno jer because dah malas nak ambik taw. Huhu! And... His name is Ayien.


Ada Orang Nak Pinang Aku....!!! lol

I had a very long chat with Muzakkir. At one point, he made a joke saying that he wanted to ‘masuk meminang’ me. I was like, “Woah!!! Not so fast!”

12 MARCH 2010 / FRIDAY

Weird Dream Again? Argh!

I had a weird and terrifying dream. Yeap! At first, I was having some ‘fun’ with D and later, I was trapped in a flash flood with my college friends. My brain is weird.

14 MARCH 2010 / SUNDAY


I saw D and he looked so miserable. I think he missed his best friend aka my stalker. Lol


Five Gloomy Days

After going through five days without seeing him at college, I finally saw him on this day! Yay! ;D I bumped into him at the gerai makan. He was having lunch with one of his closest friends, just two of them. :D And I saw D while I was on my way to the next class. I said, “Woi.” To him and he replied by giving me a salam. FTW. ;p


I Know His Name!!! :DDDD

YES! I finally know my stalker’s name! xD His name is pretty unique and pretty mouthful, but I liked it! xD The moment I knew his name, I told anis & Iqbal about it. I was too excited! Haha. I found his name on the notice board. Yay, yay, yay! :D At home, I didn’t waste any time. I went online and searched for him on FB. Guess what? I found him!! And I didn’t add him immediately. I waited for a couple of hours because I need my BFF’s opinion. They said I should add him so I did. :D

19 MARCH 2010 / FRIDAY

He Approved Me!

...and he accepted my friend request!! I slept at 5AM on that day and I noticed that he accepted my friend request at 3-something-AM. Gosh! :D But there was something that made me shocked. Iqbal added him as well! Wow, that was so surprising. Oh, we talked!! I finally talked to him! Even on FB, not in real life. But I don’t mind. I talked to him, sembang-sembang and all. I commented on his pics. He finally knew that I and D are cousins. And he also knew that I’m a die-hard fan of Man United! I looooooove the fact that he is a fan, too! xDD

21 MARCH 2010 / SUNDAY

Dean’s List Award

I didn’t go to class today as I was busy preparing for this evening’s event, which is the Dean’s List Award. I was pretty excited, but a little scared because I didn’t know what to expect. The event went smoothly and what made me excited is that Sir Fizi congratulated me when we bumped into each other at the lobby. ;D


Shyness is Killing Both of Us.

Weird dream again today! In that dream, I met D and his friend, S. D was sort of introducing me to S. He shook my hand and held it for only God knows how long. Lmao! BTW, I bumped into ‘him’ at the food stall, the usual place. It looked like he wanted to smile at me but shy to do so. So I just looked at him from afar, afraid to make any eye contacts. Shizz! IDK why I became more and more shy since we talked on FB. :/


A Long Day.

Went to college today because there was a quiz. Accounting quiz, this was held in the library, my favourite place to hang out. :) Something happened at 3-something-PM, when we were ready to leave the library. My stalker came through the door. I know he saw me but he didn’t exactly look at me. I pretended like I didn’t see him there. I was sooooooo geram la! He came to the library right after we decided to leave! And what made me more geram was that he sat at the table right behind me!! We were inches apart from each other. Ugh! :( After I saw him, my legs went limb and my hands were shaking crazily. IDK why that kind of thing happened to me. He brought his laptop along. I noticed that he uses Compaq. BTW, I think Kak Anis noticed my ‘perubahan’ when I saw him. I stuttered when talking to her right after I turned my head and saw him there. Haish...

28 MARCH 2010 / SUNDAY

Tailgating is Dangerous.

I bumped into him at the food stall. He was having lunch with some of his classmates. He saw me but did nothing. He didn’t even smile at me so I ignored him. OK, I lied. I didn’t entirely ignore him. I kept looking at him whenever I got the chance of doing so. He was so attractive in a weird way. That is why I can’t keep my eyes off him. While we were walking back to college, the gang pun dah finished eating, they walked behind us, ‘tailgating’ us. LMAO! ;D

29 MARCH 2010 / MONDAY

Motorcycle and DZ

I was hanging out in the front of BK119 when I saw D was about to rode on a motorcycle with my stalker. D saw me and smiled at me, but my stalker did not see me because he was facing the other way. :( And my stalker made me feel so angry hours later. I was hanging out at the corridor in front of the office when my stalker walked past me. I looked at his face but he took his eyes away from me! Gosh, that was fucking rude! What was wrong with him anyway? X( Then I went to the food stall for lunch and I saw him there. He was hanging out with his friends. He kept looking at me but I ignored him, pretended I didn’t see him there. I was still mad at him. Then, when I was waiting for ‘air kelapa’ to siap, he came to the coconut’s stall to pay for the drink and he didn’t even look at me. I was slightly disappointed.


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