April: MY Month.


He Was Alone, All Alone and I Was There, All Alone, too. :)

Class started at 10.40AM, but I went to college earlier because I wanted to go online for a while. Therefore, I hung out at the library alone. Minutes later, he came through the door. He was alone!! :D He saw me there and he chose to sit near me. We were 7 feet apart from each other. I was so happy and slightly freaking out. I was on my FB, lurking his profile even though he was right in front of my eyes. Haha! I didn’t even look at his face but I was looking at his hair. I think he cut his hair because I noticed that his hair was slightly different from yesterday. I had an urge to go and talk to him but I was too shy to do so. Screw me! :S I left the library at 10.40AM to attend Pengajian Islam’s class. Minutes later, he updated his status on FB. Guess he was online at the library. He was talking about having a test tonight and tomorrow. I commented on his status but I couldn’t receive his response to the status on my phone. Damn you, Celcom! I was online again at night using Kak Anis’ broadband. I have to see his response to his status. He asked me whether I was still online at the library. OMG! He DID notice me there! I was so happy! :D


My Stalker and the Stats Test

After class, we (me, Kak Anis, Kak Jaha & Angah) decided to stayed back to prepare for tomorrow’s test. We hung out at the library. Minutes later, my stalker came in! With his BFF. They both sit at the table behind us. I was facing the other way and my stalker was facing me. (Well, in this case, he was facing my back. Lol.) I could sense that his eyes were all over me. I could not concentrate on what I was doing at all. At one point, I looked at him. But he ‘ran away’ from my eyes! Damn him for doing that! We were all there for about an hour or so. Then he went poof! Missing... Kak Anis and I decided to see Miss Farihah to ask her questions regarding statistics. And... Guess what?? He was there. Miss Farihah was teaching him and his friends. GOSH! He had a Business Math’s test on the night. I think he is a repeater. Biz math was taught on the last semester, the third semester. I still remember D used to hate the subject. He even called it “fucking Biz Math”. Haha! At the office Miss Farihah was teaching us on the same table where he sat. Kak Anis sat beside him, I was standing, and kneeling on the floor as they were no chairs left for me to sit. While Miss Farihah was explaining, I could see that he was staring at us. Kak Anis made some jokes and I laughed. It seemed like he wanted to laugh too but you know, he was ‘too shy’. Lmao! ;p After we have finished with the discussion, I waited outside the office, ready to go home. Moments later, he came out, walking back and forth in front of me. I pretended as if I didn’t see him there. I was ‘busy’ checking my phones. He didn’t seem like he really want to talk to me or anything. Then, he went inside the office. Minutes later, Sir Fizi ‘tegur’ me and he said that he sent my name and a couple of my friends’ name to Puan Has for the tutor thing. Gosh! I can’t believe it. I am a tutor now! Just like Haley James Scott in One Tree Hill! :D


Stats, Stats & Stats...

Kak Anis, Nurul, Anim & I went for lunch at the food stall near my college. I was fully hoping that I would see him there, and my wished came true. He was there! :D I was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. He was staring at me when I was walking to our car. :) I had a Stats test on this day. I asked for help from Muzakkir to send me to college and he was willing enough to do so even though he was busy preparing for a trip to Pahang on the same night. I was sooooo thankful to have him as a friend. :)


My Good Friend & My New Admirer. (WTF???)

I was online using Kak Anis’ broadband late at night and Rizal IM-ed me on FB, saying that he knows D. Ooookay, I half-expected it already. I knew it! :DD Then he asked me whether I know Azrin or not. I said I kinda know him. Azrin is his friend. Rizal said that Azrin kept asking about me. Oookay, that was weird. Rizal said that I had an admirer. Hah! Yeah, right! Hurm, another one... Gosh, it’s like 3 or 4 now. Haha! ;pp

11 APRIL 2010 / SUNDAY

The Day He Finally Smiled at ME!!! :D

OK, today was my ex-boyfriend 19th birthday but I’m not gonna talk about him. I want to talk about my current crush. xD HE FINALLY SMILED AT ME! Hah! I was in heaven for like, more than a day! LMAO. I couldn’t believe it. It was what I have been waiting for him to do and he finally done it. xDDD He was still shy (or was he afraid?) to look at my face when flashing his smile at me. I swear I was melting when I saw his smile. LOL. Inside my heart, I was screaming like crazy. Haha! I excitedly told Iqbal about this and I accidentally told him that I had a crush on this guy since last August. Whoops! :/ Then when we were about to have English class, he and his friends been in the class. We were standing close to each other.


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