April: MY Month (Part II)


I am Alone Again...

I was hanging out at the library while writing this. I was all alone and I kind of liked it, but *yawn* I was sleepy. :p The Wi-Fi here suck dick! I wanted to go online! X( BTW, today was Wednesday. We didn’t have any class for today but we had a quiz on Accounting so we had to come to college. I stayed back because Pn. Norreha wanted to meet all the Business & Accounting students at 4.30PM. I didn’t want to go home because it will be hard for me to come back to college so I would rather feel sleepy than skipping the meeting which I think is important. Frankly speaking, I spent time at the library because I was waiting for you-know-who. ;) But until now, I didn’t see him. I wonder where he is. I prayed for him to come through the door. Fuhhh! LOL. ;p


SUAP & My Lovely Ghost

OK, it was sports day! Today was a good day, a very good day. I got to watch him play badminton! I must say he was pretty good at it. He got style! But zero skill. Haha! He played in men’s single and men’s double, pairing with the president of badminton club. I watched him play, I watched his every move and I liked what I saw. I liked the way he played. He was like a professional. I was so proud of him even though he didn’t win any of the categories. I love, love him! :D I also got to watch the hottest lecturer in my college, Sir Fizi played badminton and volleyball. He was gooooood. :D We almost talked when I was sitting at the bench and he was picking up his badminton kit, right in front of me. He looked at me slightly but then turned his head when he saw me looking at him. LOL.

16 APRIL 2010 / FRIDAY

MY 19th BIRTHDAY & Lovely Birthday Wishes from Everyone!

It was my birthday...! The day that I have been waiting for so long, the day that I finally turned nineteen. :) Abah bought two pieces of cakes from Secret Recipe. The cakes were so yummy! I was online for the whole day and guess what? D finally added me on FB! Hah, I knew he would add me eventually. :D I received a lot of birthday wishes from friends on FB, and most importantly I received a wish from my lovely ghost! He said, “Happy birthday, young girl...” Those words were messing with my head for days! LOL. I even had a short conversation with him on FB. He toooootally made my birthday extra special. :D And D wished me too. :)

19 APRIL 2010 / MONDAY

The Most Boring Week...

The UiTM’s students are on leave. This was their study week so I would not be able to see him again, I guess. :/ I went to classes with ‘muka monyok”.


OH MY GOD!!!! Can’t Believe I Did Just That!

12.05AM: OMG! I did something horrible! I sent him a message, wishing him good luck for tomorrow’s final exam, without him knowing that it was ME! OMG, I did not know why the heck did I listened to my BFF regarding this matter. Iqbal asked me to do that and I did. Holy crap! I was soooo scared he might find out that it was me from D... He replied by asking who I am and I didn’t reply his message. I was torn. Iqbal said that I should leave it, let him guess who am I. Anis said that I should tell him the truth, tell him that the number was mine. I do not know which one to listen. :/

12.50PM: I told Anis about what I think about my lovely ghost. I told her that I think my lovely ghost is single, still. I knew it from his comments on his friend’s FB’s status. I was stalking him on FB. Yeah, I am a creepy stalker. He did say that he would like to ‘usha2 awek” at the Taman Jubilee. HAHA!

6.00PM: We have finished with the JPA’s writing test. Accounting test is waiting for us tonight. Oh, Anis also told me that A is already in relationship with a girl and I honestly don’t know who that girl is. I must find out. Anis said that girl is pretty cute. That’s good. :)


Muhd Ryan Adli bin Mohd Z..... xDDD

That is my future son’s name, LMFAO. I was joking with Iqbal regarding whom my son’s dad going to be. I said it was definitely going to be my lovely ghost. Mwahaha! xD Oh, I found something on this day. D’s beloved GF’s name. That explains his FB’s name. Okay. I received a message from Celcom, it was my lovely ghost’s status update. He said something about a PC Fair, which was held at AS Mall. I commented on his status, saying “Jom, jom. Huhu.” and I were dying to see his reply.

23 APRIL 2010 / FRIDAY

ONLINE 4 1 Hour.

...So I decided to purchase a 1-hour prepaid internet from Maxis. He did reply. He said something like, “Hahahahaha. Kalo free esok, mai la kat sini..” I was like, 0_o, which I think; he might have asked me out indirectly. LOL. I replied, “Wish I could. Tak dak transport lor. Nak tunggu depa mai Penang lak. Huhu.” I wonder if he replied to that. MUST FIND OUT. lol


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