There's so much More to Life than "R".

FYI, I'm not gonna tell you what R is, or who R is. Let it be a secret that only me & my besties know. *sorry!* So yeah, I believe there's so much more to life than a boyfriend. Hah! You got me there! R is a name of a guy (or rather, a nickname; what we called him) whom I 'accidentally' fell in love with. I mean it when I said the word 'accidentally'. You see, he's not exactly my type. He's not really hot, not so cute, blah blah blah. But there's something about him that makes me appreciate his presence around me. I just don't know what. Maybe his smile. Maybe his personality. He's too quiet for a guy, ya know. And a bit shy, I guess. And not to forget, his NAME. He has a great name. A unique, pretty mouthful name. Haha! Maybe that's what makes me fall for him. When I said 'maybe', that means, I am not sure with my feelings. First, I think I really LOVE him. Then, it got slightly different, which makes me think that what I'm feeling right now is more to a crush rather than love. You know what I'm saying? I get bored easily. It won't be a surprise if I get bored with him in the next few months. But sometimes, I truly hope that he's the one for me, THE guy whom I can spend my time with. But... I don't think I'm ready for a new relationship. I've been hurt enough. I'm just scared of being hurt again. It wasn't easy for me to recover from heartbreaks. It takes years to get my feet back on the ground. So, back to "R". I had a small conversation with him on FB just now and he seems nice enough to be my friend. I mean, really.. He's a nice guy. For you who didn't already know, R is my senior at college and he's a friend of my friend. Yes, I saw him almost everyday at college, and everytime I saw him, I'd be like, "Ohmigosh!" with my heart beats faster than the usual. Lol. Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what to do to forget him, how to erase him, delete him from my mind. This might, or might not work out. I'd be grateful if it works out perfectly, of course. But I've been telling myself, "No high hopes, please, or you might get hurt. Again." I'm wondering, "Is this real? Or is this pretend?" Only time would tell.


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