

I know I was waaaaay too late. I should have post this story a month ago, but I was too lazy to do so, as y’all know. On this date, something crazy happened. It happened at the ‘kedai makan’ where we always had lunch w/ friends aka classmates. Like usual, we went there to have our lunch. We talked, laughed a lot. 15 minutes later, my stalker came to the stall w/ a bunch of his friends (minus D & S). He was looking at me, as usual. His friends were ‘smart’ enough to have chosen to seat at a table next to ours. I was freaking out. You know how uncomfortable I get whenever he was near me. I started to shift my position from this to that, feeling uneasy. My friend was making funny jokes at that time and I couldn’t control myself. I laughed. We laughed, so loud that everyone was sort of staring at us, including him. It was so embarrassing. I didn’t know where to put my red face. I cursed my friend because of this, and my stalker just didn’t know how to NOT staring at me.


Eventhough I was still embarrassed with yesterday’s ‘event’, he was the first person I saw in college. Screw me!!


The UiTM’s students are back in college! I saw my stalker. He looked more and more... Umm, attractive. Lmaoooo... I think I’m in love, love, love.... ;DD When I saw him that day, he ‘accidentally’ gave me a smile. I guess he was smiling at his friend, and then he turned around to look at me while the smile still plastered on his face. ;D Ohh, on this day, I had a loooooong conversation w/ Iqbal. I called him twice. Once by using my Maxis number, the other one by using my Celcom number. That’s the advantage of having 2 mobile phones. ;D I thanked him for giving me a brilliant idea on how to write an essay for my presentation for English. While I was talking on the phone, D was there w/ his GF, doing something, maybe an assignment. He interrupted w/ my phone call a couple of times. (You whore! Lol.) Mostly, we were talking about D & my stalker. On the evening, I have finished w/ my classes. Saw him (D) fell asleep on a couch. He looked so cute. Like a baby who is sleeping. ;) And ohhhhhhh.... Ya know, there is a boy. His name is Ezam and he once said that he wanted to be my BF. He OFFERED himself to be my BF. Haha! That’s freaking funny. IDK if he was dead serious or just kidding. But.... He saw me for the 1st time at college on this day. And guess what he did when he saw me walking home? He shouted my name and wave to me while he was riding on a bike!! I was like, “WTF was that boy doing??” Oh, boy. I don’t think I could handle another ‘psychotic’ admirer.


Weird day today. I don’t know what happened but it seemed like my stalker was avoiding me. I went to the library and he was there. I could swear he saw me. 2 minutes later, he was gone. He went out from the library, alone, leaving his friends behind. Maybe it was just my feelings but I could feel like he was avoiding me. For what reason, only God knows. :(


Wargh! I think I have gone crazy! I got a weird dream last night. A very peculiar dream. I dreamt about my stalker. In that dream, he was avoiding me. When he saw me, he immediately turned his face against me. Wargh!! What the fuck is wrong with me?? In my whole life, I have never got an instant dream like this. I just thought about this yesterday and I already had a dream regarding this matter. This is fucking weird! My brain is weird. :/


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