Life with Broadband.


I had a dream. It involves my stalker. OMG. I cried in the dream. Because he asked me about my sister. He finally found courage to talk to me. But he didn’t exactly ‘talk’ to me. Instead, he asked, “Awak ada kakak kan? Kakak awak dah ada boyfriend??” Haha! Maybe I was jealous, but it hurts. Like, truly hurt my feelings. Lol. BTW, today was awesome! Abah picked me up from college then we went to Padang Besar. =) But what happened earlier was more awesome than that. It still revolves around my stalker. When we were studying Pengajian Islam at TR305, he showed up. When he saw me, he immediately sat on the chair (outside) which is near to me. Oh, gosh! He was trying to look at me from behind. He thought I did not noticed, but I did. Oh, God. What he did was so obvious. Then, he drastically changed his seat. He sat on the chair that faced directly to me! I freaked out. I could not concentrate for a while. I felt his eyes on me. Sheesh!


I ‘met’ D in front of LR101. He teased me and I teased him back. We were laughing and I noticed that my stalker was looking at us curiously. And his face was sort of...Um, miserable, should I say? Was he jealous seeing me fooling around with D? Hurm, not sure. But he shouldn’t be. I’m not his girlfriend. And I’m not D’s either. He should just talk to me instead of feeling jealous whenever he saw me with D. Whatev.


Goodbye, January. Hello, February!

Great day today. Had a small conversation with D. I loved it! I hung out at LR101 & 102 with my laptop and a couple of friends while waiting for Statistics class to start at 4.40PM.They (D, my stalker & the gang) were having a Chinese language class at LR0101. It was fascinating to see and heard them speaking Chinese. ;D The only reason why I was there was I wanted to stalk them. Yeap! =D And... My stalker caught me laughing at his friend. I felt embarrassed and my cheeks turned red. Damn! Haha! Almost an hour later, they were given a break for a couple of minutes. Then D came out and asked for marker pens. And I just realized that he is actually left-handed. Holy cow, he must be smart! =D And he used my marker pens! Lol. ;p After finished using my marker pens, he made an unbelievable offer. He said if I need (or want) anything, just tell him. I was like, “Can I ask for your love?” lol. ;p Then, we joked about red carpet and stuff. Only we know what, haha! Ohh! I bought a Celcom broadband for Abah. =D


Saw my stalker again. First, at LR101. Then, at TR305. He was staring at me thrice. He is getting creepier and creepier each day. BTW, I have no class tomorrow. Yeehaa! xD


Have no classes, but we still have a co-curriculum activity at 5 PM. It went smoothly. By the time I arrived, I saw my stalker in LR101. Oh, Gosh! I freaked out. Because we might have to march in front of the class. And I was right. We had a marching training in front of LR101 & 102. And I was 98% sure that he was watching me all the time. But I did not care because I know I exactly how to march. I’ve been in a marching squad for three years. He finished his class at 6.40PM, WHEN WE WERE MARCHING! Yeah, you got it right. He was staring at me while I was marching. He watched me very intensely. I felt so embarrassed. Thank God, I did not miss any steps. AT night, I told Iqbal all about it. I told him I have tried to stare at my stalker when he was staring at me. But he regularly throw his sight to somewhere else when I was looking straight at him. Why did he do that? I also told Iqbal of what I thought about my stalker. I think he is a very polite person. He always speaks with a low tone. I kind of like that in a guy. =) I also think he is a shy guy. The way he walks, the way he talks show that he is shy. I want to be his girl. Lol! xP


OMG! My stalker is a ghost! Hahahah! He disappeared in a blink of an eye. Or maybe he is a vampire because he moved too fast! Haha! I saw him for 2 seconds when I was in TR305, studying Pengajian Islam. Then, when I was on my way back home from class, I saw him washing his hands in front of LR101. 2 seconds later, he disappeared. I can’t believe I was looking for him when I did not see him. Oh, it looks like I AM a stalker. Lol! xD


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