Journal Writing.

Our lecturer for Interactive English has given us a task to be completed within 10 weeks. Essayyyssss.... We have to do one essay each week & send in to her on every Thursday. I feel like sharing those essays with you guys. My first essay was "An Unforgettable Dream" & it goes like this...

I often had ridiculous dreams. They were ridiculous but they were fun. I liked having those kinds of dreams. I have an unforgettable dream. I had this dream about 2 weeks ago. In that dream, I met someone whom I really wanted to meet since forever. I met Martin Bennet Johnson, the vocalist of a band “Boys like Girls”. I actually adored him. I love his band and he is my favourite guy.

The dream started when me and my best friend, Anis Nor Akmal was at the airport, on our way to Boston, Massasuchetts. Martin invited me to go to Boston to visit his hometown. He even gave me a free ticket and a backstage pass for his band’s concert tour in Boston. I gladly accepted his offer and told him that I will go there with my best friend. He agreed. We departed from KLIA at 2 o’clock & arrived there exactly 15 hours later.

After we arrived, there was a guy named Kevin who is 6-feet tall and has a thick black hair waited for us. He said he is the band’s driver and he was told by Martin to pick us up from the airport. He was driving a limousine. I still remember asking him, “Don’t you have a car that is less noticeable? Now everyone will think that I’m a rock star or something.” He just laughed.

After 15 minutes of driving, we arrived at a hotel near an exclusive shopping place. Kevin gave us the room’s key and wish us all the best with the band. I wondered what that means. The hotel room was so awesome. It did not look like a hotel room at all. It was more like a penthouse. It has two rooms, which are massively huge for both of us. It also has a kitchen and two bathrooms. We spent the rest of the day in our hotel room.

I received a call from Martin that night. He said he was coming over. 10 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. It was Martin. He brought along a box of pizza with a ‘halal’ mark on it. We talked and talked till it was almost 11PM. Then, I woke up from my sleep with an angry feeling. I just wished I could finish the dream. Frankly speaking, I really liked that dream. I just wish that the dream would come true someday.


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