So Many Stories, So Much to Tell.



It was Sunday night when I was writing this. I just got back from a vacation yesterday. We went to Kuala Terengganu on Tuesday. We stayed there for three days. Abah brought us to many beautiful places in KT. Most of the places are beaches. The beaches are so beautiful, so blue. After 3 days, we went to Genting Highlands. I loved it! The roller coasters were awesome! I fucking loved it! xD Genting was so crowded at that time. The place was so alive. It was really cool. =) I saw soooo many hot guys. Korean, Japanese, Arabians, British, you named it. I saw them all. So hot! Lol. At 10-something PM, we went to Gran’s house in Negeri Sembilan. Abah drove through Putrajaya Expressway. I liked the highway. It was damn straight and fucking bright. On Friday, we went to Malacca. We did a little shopping at Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall. I liked that place. It was so cool and so alive. We had dinner at Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa restaurant. The iced Milo was sooooooooo awesome! xD After having dinner, we went to Jonker Walk. The place was so crowded. Lotsa tourists, which was cool, of course. That night, I dreamed about Kris Allen. Haha! In the dream, me and my sis went to meet him and he gave us his debut album, for free. Ridiculous! ;D On the next day, which was Saturday, we went to Pak Su’s house before going back to Penang. Then, we had dinner at Tapah R&R. Bought a box of Dunkin’ Donuts. Arrived home at 10-something PM.


“Shut Your Eyes & Feel the Chemicals Collide...”

The fucking computer broke down today. So fucked up. I spent the day with my lappy. No internet for a day was so hard to handle. Thank Celcom for the Twitter & Facebook SMS. I chatted with Iqbal. I told him that I felt like going to Ne-Yo’s concert eventhough I’m not his fan. It’s been years since I last went to a concert. And I spent the whole day thinking & fantasizing about Martin & Ian. LMAO!


New Semester, New Life.

I’ve been here for 2 days and all I can say is, I am doing great. I kind of liked it here. Yesterday was the best. I finally got my exam’s result. I got CGPA 3.68. I was shocked and so thankful to God for turning my dream into reality. Also, I am officially a sem 2 student at KPTMAS. =) My Daddy would be so proud. =D Our rented house is pretty cool. We have a TV here so it wasn’t bad at all. I got my lappy with me so I wasn’t really bored. =) We went out on the evening. We went to City Plaza. I finally bought Prison Break Season 4 DVD that I’ve been craving for years. Lol.


Watching DVDs

I spent my time watching DVDs. Started off with FOB Live in Phoenix. Then, LP’s “Road to Revolution” & ended up with Prison Break marathon. =D To be honest, I wasn’t bored at all. But sometimes I do feel like going out. I feel like going home. Maybe next week I’ll be heading home. Akak told me that Abah has bought a new CPU. That’s awesome. It means that Apit wouldn’t have to buy a PS2 after all. This is great. I can use Mak’s money to pay off my college fees, which is making me dizzy just thinking about it. Pfft!


Anugerah Juara Lagu

The only reason why I watched the award show was because of Faizal Tahir. He’s the only Malaysian artist that I love. He’s the best, still. I felt a surge of pity for him because he didn’t fully recovered from whatever things he’s suffering right now. But he still managed to put on great show that night. I am so proud of him. I’m not embarass to said that I’m a fan of his for almost 2 years now. Faizal rocks! And frankly speakin’ I was expecting Bunkface to win. But they didn’t. Aizat won the “Juara Lagu”. Shiiiit. But nevermind. Faizal still rocks. Lol.


Like A First Day of School

So today was the first day of college (sem 2). I liked it. You know how I always said that I Iove my college life. So yeah, my feeling is still the same. I love my college life. =) I accidentally skipped the first class of the day, Pengajian Islam because I didn’t aware of my class schedule. What a joke. Lol. When I was waiting for my ‘driver’ to picked me up from college, I saw him. Yeah, I saw D. He was walking home. I wonder where the heck is his motorcycle...? It pretty much made my day. I realized that I missed him. =] Ohh, Akak told me that she has downloaded the second episode of The Vampire Diaries. Stoked! xD


A Fucked Up Day: Tuesday

Today was like a shit. I woke up at 10.18AM. Kak Anis picked me up. When we arrived at college, I saw D walking with a girl. Yes, a girl. And because of that, I lost focus on what was being thought in class (Pengajian Islam). I even cried when the Ustazah was giving a lecture! Damn! Why would this thing happened to me?? Didn’t I deserved to be happy, even just for awhile? Why is this thing keep happening to me?? WHY???!! I feel like jumping off a cliff. I feel like....DYING. Help me.


Sad Day for Happiness

I felt trully happy in the morning, but everything changed when evening approaches. I don’t know why. I don’t have any reasons, don’t know how to explain. I feel sad. I cried when Mak called. I cried when I came across something that reminds me of ’him’. It’s painful, I don’t know how to describe it. I need someone to talk to. I have to kill this feeling right now. BTW, this day wasn’t just about sadness and sorrow. It was more than that. I enjoyed studying Accounting with a new lecturer. I enjoyed studying Marketing with Sir Fizi. The fact that he remembers my name makes me feel really good. But all the feeling was gone when I thought of ‘him’, i can’t seem to forget about ‘him’. I can’t keep pretending like I don’t love him when the truth is I still do. I’m not afraid to say “I LOVE HIM”.


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