My Current Obsession.

I have found a new obsession. I have found a new guy to drool over like there’s no tomorrow. lmao! ;p The new guy is Martin Bennet Johnson a.k.a Martin Johnson or Martinsays among friends & fans. Yes, he’s the vocalist for the band “Boys Like Girls”. I admit, I wasn’t a huge fan of the band before, but since I had a dream about Martin, I became totally obsessed with him and the band. I don’t know why but I can’t stop thinking about him. Or even stop thinking about his gorgeous blue eyes. Or stop thinking about his quirkiness & hotness. Damn, he’s hot! And freaking adorable. I just wish he would stop being so adorable. One day, I’d die because of him. Lol. I have a secret to share with you guys. I wasn’t a fan or Martin. I never thought that I would drool over him like I do now. Never in my mind had I thought I would be one of his fans. You want to know why? Because he looked super arrogant. I mean, when I first looked at his face, I swear all I saw was arrogance. Yeah, I thought he was arrogant & I thought he was full of himself, full of shit. Take a good look at him & you’ll get what I mean. But he’s not arrogant, he never was. When I watched Michelle (the reporter from “Melodi”) interviewed him & his band when they were in Malaysia for the MTV World Stage, he seemed pretty decent. He answered the questions very politely. Then I begin to have respect for him. He’s not like what he seems. That reminds me of the saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, I realized now though, NEVER judge someone based on his or her appearances. Nobody has the right to judge other people. Yeah. So here I am, pretty much in love with Martin. Hope it’ll lasts, haha! ;p

[Man, I’m such a playgirl! This year alone, I had about... Err, 7 celebrity crushes. Alex Gaskarth, Kenny Brock, Rob Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Adam Lambert, Garrett Hedlund & now is Martin Johnson. Hah!]

Doesn't he look adorable in the video? ;D


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