I’m going home! Yay! After 3 weeks of spending my time here, I finally will be going home =D I texted Iqbal, told him that I miss Dani. I haven’t seen him at college for almost a week. As I was on my way back to the hostel, I received a text message from Dani. I was freaked out! Lol. He sent, “Salam. Ada dictionary bi-bi x?”I said, “Ada.” He replied, “Nak pinjam boleh? Kalo boleh nak dua sebab ada paper bi. Susah gila sem ni.” I replied, “Bleh jer. Nak dua ka? Um, ada satu ja tapi bleh kot pinjam kat kawan. Bila nak? Aku dah nak balik Penang nih. Now on the way nak balik hostel dulu.” Then, he replied, “Tolong minta pinjam kat kawan bleh? Then aku pi amik kat post guard, k?” I sent a reply, “Hang tau ka aku dok kat mana? Aku x dok kat Permodalan tau. Aku dok kat Pekan Rabu.” He replied, “Kat Gemilang? Kenal x senior uitm nama Atika? Orang panggil dia Kak Misha @ Kak Kechik?” I said, “X kenal pun. Budak bilik bawah kot. So camna nih?” He replied, “Camni la. Aku pi sana la, k? Kebetulan aku ada kat luar ni.” At that moment, I felt my whole body was shaking. Not with fear, but with joy, plus disbelief. He is coming to my place! xD I was in the rush at that time because it was almost 5 PM. It was kind of late, to go home, of course! I told him to wait for me downstairs because I need to get changed. When he told me that he has arrived, I was totally freaked out. I hate to keep him waiting so I speed up my clothes-changing thing (don’t know how to describe the scene, lol) I was so in a rush till I hurt my middle finger & it bleeds, a bit. Then, I went & met him. He was sitting on his motorcycle and he was smiling at me. My heart dropped to the floor, lol. He asked, “Balik Penang naik apa?” I said, “Naik bas laa..” He replied, “Hang naik motor aku la balik Penang.” I said, “Haa, bleh gak.” Then, he said something that makes me cried a little when I was already in a bus. He said, “Naik bas elok-elok.” I can almost see how much he cares about me =) At 7.15 PM, I received a text message from him. He asked, “Dah sampai Penang?” At that moment, I was 100% sure that he really cares about me ;D then, he sent his regard to my family. My sis was crapping about me being ‘in love’ with him. She even said that my parents would prolly ‘berbesan’ with Dani’s parents, haha! We texted each other for about an hour. What a great day! =)
My last day at home. Kak Ina sent me to the bus station. Mak followed us, too. In the car, Mak told us that Apit went home just to see me. According to Mak, he sort of missed me. I was so touched. I cried, nobody noticed it. I missed him, too.
First day of November. 18 days to go for my final exam. I skipped two classes today, MPW & ENG. Felt so lazy. Besides, Kak Anis wasn’t here so I decided to skip the morning classes. Accounting class was kind of fun. Sir Fizi paid his attention to me alone. And, he finally remembered my name, lol ;p
Finally got the marks for my Listening Test & second English Test. I got 9/10 for the listening test & 78% for the 2nd English test. I was so frustrated. I did not get an A for my favorite subject. What a heartbreak! =(
I was being ‘tackled’ by a 26-year-old guy, thru the phone! Goddamnit! He doesn’t even know me! I discovered a horrible truth! My roommates told me that the most hated girl in AA1B, Husna has set her fucking eyes on my Dani! Lin said that that girls know most of the OM students & I’m pretty much sure that it is my Dani she was talking about! Fuck her! I hate her! She is so gedik & nobody really likes her. She already has a boyfriend but she still wanted to get near my Dani. I told my friends to keep an eye on her so that she would not get near Dani whenever she had the chance.
Lots of things happened on the first day of the new year... 1. Avril Lavigne gave away her new song, "What the Hell" on her FB, for free. (we have to download it, of course.) 2. I was tired as fuck. 3. Missed Man United's first goal. 4. Man United won 2-1 against West Bromwich Albion. 5. Wayne Rooney scored his first goal since March 2010. 6. They're still unbeaten in the league. 7. They're still at the top of the table. 8. I didn't get the chance to be on "my favorite site" today. 9. Andra was being a total goody today, he laughed a lot. 10. Last but not least.. My one & only sister is now engaged to someone. :) CONGRATULATIONS! Me love you ;) (photo credits to Kak Lin! Heheh..)
OoooooooooomiGod! I'm freaking out!! I almost screamed my lungs out.. as well as running like a maniac when I heard about the news. It said that Paramore will be coming to our shore on October 19th. I found this out from Junk onl ine. OMG! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE THE DAY I WAS BORN!!!! Well, that's a lie. I've been waiting for this since they dropped their oober-fantastico-und-amazing 2nd album, Riot!, like 3 years ago. They're finally gonna be here! And I couldn't afford to miss it. I hope I could go with Iqbal. OHMYGOD, please, I REALLY wanna goooo...... :) I wanna sing along with this super talented girl, Hayley Williams. It has been our dream to see them live in our very own country. :)
I think my blog has now become a Jared Leto's appreciation blog or something because I can't seem to stop posting anything about him lately. Pardon a mi. I'm just a fan of him & 30 Seconds to Mars. :/ Ok. So.. Since I became his die-hard-fan a long time ago, I've been watching this guy very closely. From his hairstyles to his fashion sense and I gotta say I'm impressed. He has a very good sense of fashion & he's definitely a fashionisto. He nailed every clothes he wears. I mean, he's definitely good in mix and match. And he has a looooooot of great jackets. Not to mention, the shoes.... I WANT THEM ALL!! Dayum man! He owns not one, but THREE Defector jackets from "Straight to Hell"..! Damn, I looooooooove the white one. *sigh* This is the jacket where he wore during the photoshoot for This is War Deluxe's booklet. It was from EMP. Simply gorgeous. *drools* And this is a Black Waxed Leather biker jacket from Philip Lim. Sexy, ain't i...