When I Was in a Library.

Sunday – 25/10/09

Kak Anis & I went to class quite late today. We woke up pretty late, too. BTW, today was a great day. Something happened in the library. Hee~~ After lunch, me, Fairus & Ezzati went to the library. I brought along Fatin’s laptop, pretended like it was mine. Lol. Zack also brought her laptop. Danial was there, I noticed. He sat at a table kat hujung library. So I chose to sit at a table across him. I could see him clearly from where I sat. (I sounded like a creepy stalker, lmao!) He was so ‘khusyuk” doing assignments by using his friend’s laptop. While I was busy ‘selongkar’ Fatin’s laptop, I received a message. It was from him. It said,

“Bkn nak study. On9 je taw. ;-p”

Then I replied,

“Mna da on9! Org wat asgmt la! Boo! ;p”

I saw him reading my msg & he flashed his smile at him. I flashed mine too, haha! I was laughing ‘behind’ the laptop. Nobody noticed it, not even Fairus who sat next to me. It was the sweetest moment. Oh, c’mon! who else yang suka msg2 w/ each other eventho’ they’re in the same, small place?? xP


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