Story of My Life [Part III]


I didn’t eat my ‘sahur’ today. This is the 2nd time I skipped my ‘sahur’ because I couldn’t wake up at the exact time. We had Accounting class today. It was the most wonderful class I’ve had for today. As usual, Mr. Fizi was acting crazily & had a massive fight (verbally) with Kak Jaha. It was so fuckin’ funny! They were fighting about their own state, which is Pahang. He came from Kuantan while Kak Jaha is from Temerloh. Haha! Then, he was trying to create a fight with people who came from Penang. But fortunately, he didn’t have enough guts cuz there are lots of Penangties in my class, haha! xD


I had the most wonderful night on Monday night. We (Kak Anis, Kak Zu, Kak Kinah, Imah & I) went out at 8.30PM until 10PM. We went to various shops around the area. They bought stuff for raya, while I just bought the latest issue of Galaxie & Slurpee at 7-E.pity me, lol. ;p And, ohmigosh! There’s Cobra Starship’s poster in the Galaxie! xD


OMG! It’s KFC day! xD BTW, I’m currently over the moon. Why? Because I got the highest mark for IT in Biz subject! OMG! I’m the only business student who got the highest mark for the subject. I was like, “Omigosh, really????!!” I can’t believe it, haha! I didn’t study much for the subject but still, I got 61/70, which equals to 87% (CGPA 4.00). I am so flattered. ;D Okay, this is only a test. But these tests are crucial. I MUST excel in those tests so that I don’t have to study like a maniac for the final exam. Okay, back to the best event so far for this day. Me & my other 12 housemates ‘berbuka puasa’ at KFC restaurant nearby. Each of us had a “Snack Plate” plus “Cheesy Wedges” (yummy!). for the 1st time in my life, I ate not one, but TWO fried chicken. I almost can’t believe I ate that much of foods. ;p We had a camwhoring session while waiting for ‘waktu berbuka’. I took soooo many pix. I wish I could post all the pix here, but I’m just too lazy to do so. You can visit my Facebook. I posted all the pix there ;) After eating KFC, we went to City Plaza & had a karaoke session. Haha! It was so much fun! I enjoyed every second of it ;D FYI, we’re gonna have a quiz on Accounting tomorrow. But look at what we were doing. We were KARAOKE-ing! xDD It was almost 10PM, so we decided to go back to our hostel and have a nice sleep. This was the longest ‘hang-out-with-friends-session’ I’ve ever had since I’m here. What a day! xD


OMG! We’re going to have a quiz today! I’m freakin’ out! =S Started the day with MPW class. Pn. Che Tom said we prolly gonna have a test after we came back from holidays. Holy craaap! After that, we had Accounting class. Mr. Fizi gave us good news: the quiz is cancelled. Yay! xD And, we wore the same color of clothes AGAIN! And this time, everyone in my class noticed it. Even Mr. Fizi noticed it. I was like, “Uh oh, not again..” One of my classmates said, “Sir dengan Durrani pakai baju sedondon..” WTF…??? I had no idea why we always wear the same color of clothes, in the same day. We got our results on 2nd Accounting quiz. I got 15.5/20. Not bad, huh? While he was writing down our marks in the attendance sheet, I managed to make him laugh by saying something that I can’t tell you ;p Haha! Finally, he couldn’t keep his laugh anymore ;D And then, he spoke my name. He asked, “Siape Syafiqa Durrani?” And I said, “Saye lah.” He said, “Laa..Saye x tawu pun name kamu (giggles). Sedap name kamu..” Hah! I was 100% sure I was blushing when he said that! LMAO! xD After he dismissed the class, I told him that I’m not coming to the class on Sunday, 27/9/09, because of my bro’s wedding. And he said OK and ask me to write a letter and give it to him. After that, we had MAT class. While we were waiting for Mr. Mizi outside TR307, he was coming towards a group of girls, prolly his classmates & I saw him giving a handphone to one of the girls & I swear my heart beats faster than ever & my body is shaking. Kak Jaha saw what happened and asked, “Tu GF die ke??” I didn’t know what to say. I could feel a rush of blood to my head. I almost cried but I managed to contain myself. Who is that girl? It’s a mystery I must find out.


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