Another 10 days before holidays, yay! xD I was online for awhile by using my phone. I Twitter-ed & approved comments on Myspace before my credit expired. Abah topup-ed for me in next morning at 10AM. Our class started at 12. we were late for 15 mins but thank God, Pn Rosni wasn’t there yet when we arrived. After PPT, we had MAT class. Mr. Mizi was making silly jokes. And for the first time, we heard him laughed full-heartedly, lol. xD BTW, I have something to tell. I think I’m being stalked by this particular guy. Whenever I met him halfway to class, he will look at me like, intensely. That’s creepy. He’s ‘budak OM’, in his 3rd sem, I guess. Same as Danial but he’s in different class. I can’t believe I would say this but he’s pretty hot. LMAO! OMG, Ieka! He’s a stalker, for God’s sake! xPP At night, we went to CityPlaza. I bought the latest issue of Galaxie & new color pens. xD
Our PPT’s lecturer told us that we’re gonna have a test TONIGHT! WTF..??? that sucks! When we were in Accounting class, Ms Shaakiroh broke the news. And the bus won’t take us from our hostel, holy shit! We have to find our own ride. Damnit! After wrecking our brain, thinking about how to get to the college, we finally found a solution: Stay at our friends’ rented house for a day. So that evening, me & Kak Anis went to their house & decided to stay there for a night. We arrived there at 6PM. Then, we went to ‘bazar Ramadhan’ nearby. 8.30PM: It’s time. I took one and a half hour to answer all the questions given. I felt so relieved! xD Ohh, before taking the test, I had a major emotional breakdown. I told Iqbal that I feel rejected by something or maybe someone.. I felt like crying, too. Maybe because I saw him today. But he just said “Hi”. Just a simple “Hi”, w/o conversations. Padahal we bumped into each other more than twice. I think that what makes me feel hurt and rejected. And I was feeling angry, too. Because of the fucking test, we, the Biz students can’t go to a “Majlis Berbuka Puasa” with all the KPTM’s students. It was so fucked up! X(
I woke up at 10.30AM. Nope! I actually woke up at 9.30AM & I couldn’t go back to sleep so I listened to the radio. We arrived at college at 12. I went to the office to pay for my hostel’s fees. Our 1st class was MPW & the 2nd was PPP, but Pn. Rosni didn’t enter the class for some reasons. After that, we went to see Mr. Fizi to ask questions (as usual lah!) regarding worksheet. He explained to us enthusiastically, as he always did. Then, I saw someone familiar outside the office. It was him, he wore a black shirt with purple stripes. Boy, he looked hot! Kak Jaha saw him 1st & said, “D, D”. I shh-ed her so that Mr. Fizi wouldn’t listen. He stood in front of the office for a while. After finishing our tutorial session, we went out & I saw him there. I looked at him slightly, but he didn’t smile so I looked the other way so that he wouldn’t noticed that I was looking at him. At that time, we were supposed to have ENG class in LR102 @ 2PM. There were just five of us in the class because Pn. Marina wasn’t there yet. And I didn’t know where are the rest of our classmates so I went back & forth in front of the office. He was still there, sitting on a chair. And when I was walking back to the class, he asked me, “Balik tak hari ni?” And I said, “No. Ada test Jumaat & Sabtu ni”. Then he laughed at me. How dare him! He was lucky he didn’t get a good slap from me. Lol.
We got ENG test today. We were given an hour to complete the test. I took only 20 mins to finish it all. The questions were quite easy. I loved it! Ohh, I listened to Fly FM at 12PM & OMG! Hunny Madu was interviewing Alex Suarez from Cobra Starship! OMG, I freaked out! xDDD
OMG! Today’s the day. We’re gonna do our Biz Math’s test (MAT). I am freaking out! =S 4.30PM: The test is finally over! MERDEKA! Lol. I managed to answer ALL the Qs but not sure with my answers. Ah! Lantak lah. Yang penting, it’s over. xDDDD at 7.21PM, we, students from the class AB1C, had a majlis berbuka at a restaurant which is located at the side of a river, near our college, too. We already booked the restaurant for ourselves. It was quite fun, I enjoyed it. The cute guy whom I set my eyes on when we were having orientation was there, too. xDD
Lots of things happened on the first day of the new year... 1. Avril Lavigne gave away her new song, "What the Hell" on her FB, for free. (we have to download it, of course.) 2. I was tired as fuck. 3. Missed Man United's first goal. 4. Man United won 2-1 against West Bromwich Albion. 5. Wayne Rooney scored his first goal since March 2010. 6. They're still unbeaten in the league. 7. They're still at the top of the table. 8. I didn't get the chance to be on "my favorite site" today. 9. Andra was being a total goody today, he laughed a lot. 10. Last but not least.. My one & only sister is now engaged to someone. :) CONGRATULATIONS! Me love you ;) (photo credits to Kak Lin! Heheh..)
OoooooooooomiGod! I'm freaking out!! I almost screamed my lungs out.. as well as running like a maniac when I heard about the news. It said that Paramore will be coming to our shore on October 19th. I found this out from Junk onl ine. OMG! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE THE DAY I WAS BORN!!!! Well, that's a lie. I've been waiting for this since they dropped their oober-fantastico-und-amazing 2nd album, Riot!, like 3 years ago. They're finally gonna be here! And I couldn't afford to miss it. I hope I could go with Iqbal. OHMYGOD, please, I REALLY wanna goooo...... :) I wanna sing along with this super talented girl, Hayley Williams. It has been our dream to see them live in our very own country. :)
I think my blog has now become a Jared Leto's appreciation blog or something because I can't seem to stop posting anything about him lately. Pardon a mi. I'm just a fan of him & 30 Seconds to Mars. :/ Ok. So.. Since I became his die-hard-fan a long time ago, I've been watching this guy very closely. From his hairstyles to his fashion sense and I gotta say I'm impressed. He has a very good sense of fashion & he's definitely a fashionisto. He nailed every clothes he wears. I mean, he's definitely good in mix and match. And he has a looooooot of great jackets. Not to mention, the shoes.... I WANT THEM ALL!! Dayum man! He owns not one, but THREE Defector jackets from "Straight to Hell"..! Damn, I looooooooove the white one. *sigh* This is the jacket where he wore during the photoshoot for This is War Deluxe's booklet. It was from EMP. Simply gorgeous. *drools* And this is a Black Waxed Leather biker jacket from Philip Lim. Sexy, ain't i...