Story of My Life [Part I]


We have just one class for today that is PPT. Woke up at 11 AM as the class starts at 12.50PM. The class finished at 1.45 PM. Then, we (Kak Anis, Kak Jaha & I) went to see Mr. Fizi to ask some confusing things about Accounting. Mr. Fizi often made silly jokes & bothered other lecturers especially Ms Nesma (Nini). Finally know her name. she’s the one who often went out for lunch with Mr. Fizi, which made me feel a bit jealous. Lol. When we were on our way out from the office, I bumped into my crush, D. We smiled at each other, which made my heart go wild for 2 secs. After that, we waited outside for Kak Anis Kulim to pick us up. Bumped into Mr. Fizi & we laughed at him cuz he looked exactly like a YB, with his ‘batik’ shirt & gelled hair, haha! xD Kak Anis Kulim arrived 15 mins later, along with Anim. We went to ‘bazar Ramadhan’ @ Stadium Darulaman. Didn’t know what to buy. What to eat, to be precise cuz there are many foods. Finally, bought laksa, orange juice & some kuih-muih. Oh! Before we went to the bazaar, we stopped at Plaza Al-Bukhary & I ended up buying a notebook to write about my days here. FYI, I can’t go home until 16/9/09 cuz we have LOTS of tests on Fridays & Saturdays. Right now, I’m busy studying for the upcoming tests, which is Accounting & Management. Crucial, very crucial. I MUST study hard & get good marks for both subjects, as both are my favorite. Okay, that’s a lie. I’m actually writing this journal in the book which is gonna be transferred into my blog as soon as I get home. That’s a promise ;)


Still at the hostel. Woke up at 11.30AM. Felt so weird to be at the hostel on Friday. I was supposed to be at home, but what to do… After I took a shower, I immediately hopped onto my bed & started studying Management. It was tiring so I took a break after almost 2 hour studying the same subject. I wrote something in this book just to release some of the pressure. Every time I was doing something, the image of D appears in my head. I can’t seem to delete him from my mind & it’s driving me mad. =/ I didn’t go anywhere today. I just sat on my bed, busy studying for tomorrow’s tests. I asked Imah to buy me foods for fast breaking. I was starving, the result of hard studying. At night, I was studying again, while listening to Fly FM. And somebody had requested for Tokio Hotel’s “Monsoon”…! It totally made my boring day! ;D 12.00AM: Had a chat with Anis. She told me that TH’s new video had just been released! Automatic, OMG! And she also told me that RPattz & Kristen is engaged. What a heartbreak. I used to have a HUGE crush on RPattz, but not anymore since, he confessed of having a thing for Kristen. She asked me to capture paparazzi photos of hot guys esp Mr. Fizi & D since my phone is already capable of sending pix, haha! xD


I woke up @ 5AM w/o anybody waking me up, hurrah! I was studying PPP while eating my ‘sahur’. Continue sleeping at 6-something-AM. Went to college at 8AM. Arrived there 15 mins later. I was freaking out, to be honest. We started Accounting test at 9 AM. Finished at 10.30AM. I screwed up! Totally screwed up. I was so determined to get great marks but now I have to buried it deep inside. D; we had a 2-hour gap until the next test, that is Management. I studied so hard for Management, so I hope I’ll get good marks. We started the next test at 1PM. I sat close to the A/C, which made me shaking like crazy. It was so cold. I managed to answer ALL the questions, thank God! I felt so relieved! BTW, Mr. Fizi was in the hall when we were answering Accounting paper. He looked slightly different so I guess that was her ‘Saturday’ look. Lol. At 5PM, we went to Bazar Ramadhan @ Stadium Darulaman. I bought chicken rice & 2 pieces of choc cakes. Yummy! At night, I borrowed Kak Anis’ laptop & replied all my myspace comments. I’ve watched the latest video from TH, Automatic. OMG! Bill Kaulitz looked oober hot! And so is his twin, Tom. xD


TBH, I’m in no mood to go to classes. I’m super tired and need more sleep. *yawn* I think maybe, just maybe if I get to see D, I’ll get my mood back. Perhaps that’s the only way left. He’s so gonna be my bad-mood killer. Lol! Our class started at 9.30AM. what surprised me is that I didn’t feel sleepy AT ALL! Woah! What had just happened? Impressive! LMAO! xD After PPT, we had MAT class. I was freaking out cuz Mr. Mizi prolly will distribute our quiz paper. And I was right. The result: I failed, again. It sucks, I tell ya! I suck at Math, to tell you the truth. After Mat class, we had ACF class. I really enjoyed this class. Why? Because it’s Accounting! xD Mr. Fizi was acting crazily, again. And he always has some nice stories to be shared with us. After class, we (the ‘three of a kind’) went to see him at the office. I sat next to him at the study table. And we told him about what we usually eat when breaking our fast & ‘bersahur’. Then he pretended to cry when he heard our story. LMAO! But there’s one thing I REALLY hate about him. He has a superior ego. When he said something that isn’t right, he always turn his finger on us and accused us of not listening properly. Ugh! I hated it when he acts like that. Zero hotness. And! He asked us to ‘belanja’ him makan. IDK if he was serious or not. If he’s serious, he has to wait until after Raya. I will treat him, haha xD


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