When Lots of Things Happened in a Day.

When a lot of things happened in one day, I don’t know where to begin the story. LOL. Many things happened on 12th of August. I will tell you about it later. Let’s start with the things happened on 7th of August. My classmate said he saw Mr. Fz was having lunch with a female lecturer. Wtf..?? I admit I was a bit jealous. Then he said, “Don’t start a gossip about me & the lecturer, OK??” =/ Like usual, I told Anis about it. We made fun of that thing by coming up with silly suggestions like, suggesting to him, “Who gets the highest marks in Acc quiz, will get the chance to have lunch with the lecturer,” LMAO! OK, let’s proceed to 9th of August. We had an hour of Math class with Mr. Mz & he wore a purple color shirt and so was I. what a coincidence! ;) He was saying things like, The person who wears purple are the smartest in this room.” Cehh, so perasan lah! xD And we have a new timetable, which means we have Acc on Sunday, OMG! This day was one of the greatest days so far. Mr. Fz asked me to do a balance sheet on the whiteboard. (TBH, I was so glad to be chosen) But before that, there were some things I didn’t quite understand, so I called him lah. Then he came lah. He sat RIGHT in front of me, in a touching range! Gasp! (If you know what I mean..Hehehe) So I started doing the balance sheet. Then we ‘main tukar2 marker.’ The marker was so fucked up la, kejap ade ink, kejap x de, dugh! When I was writing on the board, he wiped off the w/b so that there will be some space for me to write my answers. So gentleman lah, don’t you think?? xD when he was wiping the board, he stood so near to me. Then I heard some noises from behind me. Someone was making jealous noises, I noticed. Hah! Whatever.. Luck is mine. ;DD


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