The Day(s) I Laughed Out Loud.

I told Iqbal and Anis about a huge crush I’m having for MZ and they are both been very…Um, understanding, should I say…? Anis & I talked a lot about it like, 24/7. Non-stop. Many funny things happened for the past week. Most of the things came from Account class. Well, well, well… On 3 August, Mr. F busted our Math’s class. He was complaining about his class, which has no A/C to our Math’s lecturer, Mr. M. And he said that Mr. F & his students has a lot of ‘dosa’, that’s why they were feeling the heat. Wahahahah!! It really cracked us up. There is one thing I noticed about Mr. F at that moment. He didn’t wear his glasses! I was pathetically drooling…LOL! I told Anis about it, and she said he did on purpose, to seduce his students. LMAO! But when I thought about it, what Anis said might be true. First, he spiked his hair, and now he throws away his glasses. Weird. Well, whatever! I liked the way he is. ;D On that afternoon, my classmate & I went to see him in his room. I had a good look on his eyes and I think he was wearing contacts because his eyes looked clear and a bit brownish. (PLUS! A dimple on his right cheek.) HOTNESS! And I couldn’t fully concentrate on what he was saying. It made me stuttered when answering his question and he mocked me! *blushing* Dang! LOL! On the next day (4 August), when he was making a grand entrance to the class, we were looking at him, which made him said, “Jangan la tengok saya macam tu..” OMG! Hahahahah! And he made me cracked yet again. He was trying to speak with a North accent. Bahaha!! Seriously, it sounds funny. A Pahang guy try to speak with a North accent, zero hotness. Points deducted. LMAO! xD On the same day, I saw D. I was looking for him forever and I saw him that day. I really, really wanted to say “Hi” but couldn’t because he was in a rush. *sad* I just hope I’ll get a chance to meet him again so that I could talk to him, just talk. Like old friends. On the next day (5 August), I saw D again. And this time I saw him a bit longer than before. And I could swear he was looking at me, twice. But he didn’t noticed me. He didn’t remember who I am. Ok, I’m not gonna cry, but I just feel sad. (Earth to Ieka..!!) Ok, back to Mr. F Something was very wrong with him on that day. He was talking about girls. Yeap! GIRLS. He was comparing girls with boys. He said that girls are special, in a weird way. Damn! What does he mean?? Haha! He said he once read an article, which stated that girls are healthier than boys are. “Why?”, he asked. When we couldn’t provide an answer to his question, he said, “Sebab perempuan keluarkan banyak darah.” I was like, “WTF…????” Damn,damn,damn! Hahahaha!


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