I Don't Wanna Go.

This is my last blog before I went to college tomorrow morning. To be honest, I am NOT ready to leave home. I am not ready to go to college & obviously not ready to ‘leave’ the internet. I don’t think I would survive w/o the internet. It’s like my oxygen. There are so many things I’m going to miss. And those things are…

My CDs & DVDs (esp TH's DVD)...

My mini library & all the novels...

My Sony Ericsson W910i & that guy...

I’m gonna missed out on my bro’s wedding preparation. He’s getting married on 3rd of October, 2 weeks after Raya. And I don’t think I will be able to find times to buy my own baju for the wedding day! How pathetic. =/ And I’m sooooooooooo gonna miss this 2 guys right here…


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