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I know I have a loyal follower who loves to check out my blog & read everything that’s in it. (PS: We both know who you are) I want to say sorry from the deepest of my heart. Sorry for not spending time to write something in my blog. The truth is I have been very busy with college. Homeworks & assignments, added with the fact that I do not own a laptop… *sigh* So here’s the deal. I will tell you everything that happened during my 1st week in college, as known as the orientation week, yeap! Borr-ing, you might say. Just… read it, okay?? ;)

6 July 2009 – Monday

My 1st day in college was okay. Nothing much happened. I was just tired and wanted to sleep like a log. The registration was fine. Pretty hectic tho but I managed to safely get out from there. Lol. My hostel is SUCKS! It is actually a hotel named Sri Gemilang but it does not look like a hotel AT ALL. My bro called it “hotel pelacur” (prostitute’s hotel). Haha! xD But I was lucky to get a bed near to a ceiling fan or else I will be dead cuz of the heat. ;) Our hostel is located near the “Pekan Rabu”. I would not have any trouble in finding foods to survive. Lol! The hostel is also near to a shopping mall. (Awesome!) the shopping mall has “Popular”, my favorite bookstore. Yay! The mall has a ‘kedai’ which sold DVDs including “Prison Break” (season 4) that I was longing to buy. Double yay! xD But I missed my family. I missed my favorite TV shows on Monday (Bio-Nik, Leverage). I missed Twitter. Oh, speaking of the internet, Anis just told me that my ‘fiancé’, Kennedy Brock already has a girlfriend named Gabi! I was ‘dead’ for 10 mins before I snapped back into reality. OMG! =0

7 July 2009 – Tuesday

My 2nd day was awful! I was sooooo tired. It was all because of the stupid orientation. Ugh! It wore me out. =( I’ve never been so tired before. I have to keep up with this shit until Thursday. Then, I’m heading home. Hurrah! We were supposed to have started class on Sunday but the Director told us that our class will start on Monday instead. On Sunday, we were going to have a bowling competition. Fuck! I don’t even know how to play! =/ BTW, Mak called me just now. She was asking about my plan this Thursday. The ‘heading home’ plan. She was worried, I guess. She didn’t think I know how to go to Shahab Perdana all by myself & she thought I’ll be going home alone. I told her I’ll go home with a friend next to our room who lives in Penang, too. She said OK & I was OK too, I guess. OMG!! I just remembered the horrible news! Anis told me that Ryan & Jon are leaving Panic at the Disco! I was shocked beyond words… I can’t believe this! :’0

8 July 2009 – Wednesday

My 3rd day in college was OK. The orientation went well. It was tiring, that’s for sure. My desire (or should I say “needs”…??) of having a laptop is getting stronger. Can’t get it off my mind, tho. BTW, I’m still saddened by the news of my favorite guy, George Ryan Ross is leaving my favorite band, PATD. Tears swelled up my eyes. I could hardly breathe. My mind reeled when I heard the news. I heard that Ryan & Jon would start a band together & Ryan might be the singer. I bet he left PATD because he wanted to be a vocalist of a band. IDK. TBH, I started to enjoy the stupid orientation, that’s what I called it yesterday. But today, it changed. I started to like the seniors. Especially the boys. They’re okay & cute too. LOL! xDD (PS: Can’t wait for tomorrow!)

9 July 2009 – Thusrday

it’s Thursday!! Which means, I’m going home! Home sweet home. Err, no, scratch that. I mean, HOME TWEET HOME. xDDD I missed Twitter like crazy! But before that, I have to go thru another day of orientation. It was pretty cool. I had fun. And a crush on this guy. JK! ;p BTW, the boys had lost 2 challenges & they were punished by doing a “poco poco” dance. It was so funny! Fitri, the prankster was acting hilariously. He loves to making a stand-up comedy whenever he got the chance of doing that. It cracked us up like, furiously! xD I felt sad all of a sudden. Today was the last day of orientation. I used to hate orientation but not anymore. I got a feeling that I might miss it. The orientation finished at 2PM. We went back to our hostel & started packing. While doing that, I was singing “Homecoming” song. I was ecstatic about the idea of going home. Me, Intan & Kak Zu took a bus to Shahab. We arrived there 15 mins later. Home tweet home ;)


eida kaulitz said…
weee~~ finally u posted something up.
i've been waiting for it like ages!!!
ok..this comment is going to be long..

u know that i really miss u a lot!
u should get yourself a laptop asap!
just wanna let u know, the first thing i do when i get online is reading ur blogs. and it is a big disappointment if u don't post anything for such a long time~!
*i wish i could buy u a Macbook air.. but i can't afford it.. =p*
haneul. said…
it's okay, i love long comments ;DD
oh, my parents said i don't need a laptop until next sem,
so i think i will never gonna get one D;

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