College Life is GOOD.

I think, I just think that… That I LOVE my college! Haha! xD Can’t believe I just said that, but it’s true. I started to enjoy going to classes every day and studying new subjects. For the 1st semester, we have 6 subjects that is Principles of Management, Principles of Accounting, Business Mathematics, Interactive English 1, Pengajian Malaysia, and Information Technology in Business. It’s so much fun! But I still hate doing assignments and don’t expect me to love it. Lol. So far, I love studying Interactive English & IT in Business. And I love my lecturers. Esp the lecturer for Principles of Accounting. xDDD He’s HOT! Haha! Ok, I know it’s unethical to say something like that & it’s also unethical to well, fall in love with the lecturers... But don’t worry, I won’t. I just said that he’s hot & that’s that. Enough said.

Yesterday was the best day in college so far. Why?? 1st, my Accounts lecturer wore a ‘batik’ shirt and spiked his hair! I NEVER saw his hair like that. TBH, it looks good on him. Haha! And 2nd, because I got to know a little something about him. ;) He told us something unexpected. He said he wanted to be an artist when he was younger! Hahah!! It was a shocking confession. I laughed so hard because never in my life I thought he would spill his secrets. I started to feel regret to not asking him to sing in front of us. xDD And he told us a bit about his experiences which is good because we get a time off listening to him telling stories. ;) I got a feeling that he’s a romantic kind of person. Blah! I shouldn’t say that! Lol ;D But I am thankful to have him as my lecturer because he makes Accounts looks great. Thanks, Mr H!

BTW, last Tuesday, I had dinner with Fitri, along with my friends; Anim & Intan. Fitri is a good person, really. He was the most cheerful person during the orientation & yeah, he’s a good guy. I appreciate the time we spent together at the ‘meja makan’, haha! And no, he’s NOT my boyfriend & he never will be. He has a crush on I (my friend) & yeah, he’s not my BF. I’m not ready to have one. Even though I’ve had my eyes on this guy since orientation & I got to speak to him yesterday. What makes me happy is that he was the one who started the conversation! (My heart is blooming..) xDD


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