My Playlist.

Aww, music is so addictive. It’s like a drug to me. It’s more than a drug. I’m 100% sure that I couldn’t live w/o music. I could not even BREATHE w/o it. Life is nothing w/o music. And I’m sure most of you think it that way too. ;) So let me bring you into my ‘music life’. Let’s take a look at my play list, the music I’m currently listening to. The music I’m currently addicted to. ;D

Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don’t) – All Time Low

This song is freakin’ addictive. I spent most of my time listening to this song alone. I listened to it over & over & over again. Can’t get this song outta my freakin’ head, tho! xD Alex Gaskarth is one of so many reasons why I love this song so much. FYI, his voice is cuter when he sings this song. ;D

Weightless – All Time Low

Another song from the band I lala love (Alex Gaskarth!!!!!) ;D This song is from their not-yet-released album, Nothing Personal. It’s their latest album. Gonna be released some time in next month. This song is HOT! ;D

Everything I Ask For – The Maine

I’m currently addicted to this band. I fucking love this song. The melody, the lyrics, John Ohh’s voice, made this song perfect for my ears. And not to forget, the VIDEO. Incredibly awesome. Couldn’t forget the scene where Pat dropped his drum stick. Priceless!! =D

No Way Out – This Century

I lala love this song! It’s the best from This Century. And I love the band too. Thanks to Pat Kirch (The Maine’s drummer) for introducing this band to the fans. Hehe xD

New Divide – Linkin Park

Have you heard this song? Yes? No? If your answer is no, then you SHOULD listen to it. Search it on the internet, download it, and do whatever you can, to listen to this song cuz this song is simply AMAZING! LP has come back to their roots, musically. FINALLY! xD Plus, this song is featured on "Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen"'s soundtrack! Oober cool! ;)

Deeper & Deeper – Cinema Bizarre

A new song from my favorite German band. I’m officially poised for Toyz (their new album) after listening to this song. ;) Strify’s voice is haunting me. lol

Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship feat. Leighton Meester

I’ve been in love with this song for quite awhile now. I liked the arrangement of this song & the way Gabe sing this song. And not to forget, Leighton is in it! And boy, she can sing! ;D


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