Once a Glambert, Forever a Glambert.

Most of you might already know that Adam Lambert is, unsurprisingly, gay. Yeah, he admitted that he is actually gay, which is no surprise, I guess because the so-called rumors had been around for several months now. And to be honest, I don’t feel anything about it. I don’t feel sad, I don’t feel sorry. But one thing for sure, I am proud of him. Proud because he has GUTS to came out of the closet. Proud because he is not afraid of what people might think of him. He is not afraid of his fans that might just turn against him when they found out that he’s gay. Boy, that guy is the most honest person I have ever seen. And I don’t care if you think he’s ‘dirty’ or whatever shit you’re thinking of him right now. I just don’t give a fuck. One thing I know for sure & I know you won’t be able to deny is that Adam Lambert is REAL, he’s no fake & he’s definitely can sing way better than Kris Allen. And he has the world right under his feet & fans who will just keep supporting him all the way, no matter if he’s gay or shit. If you don't think so, FUCK YOU!


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