From Queensbay to Gurney.

Yesterday, me & my bro went to Queensbay Mall (yes, again..) & I bought Hey Monday’s debut Album, “Hold on Tight”. I freakin’ love Hey Monday & I think they have great songs. I was sorry not to give them a chance before to prove their originality. I accused them of being ‘unoriginal’ because (I thought) they sounds like Paramore, my all-time favorite band. Then I started to listen to their songs & I realized that their songs are nothing like Paramore’s. Their songs are ‘lighter’ & yeah, they are Hey Monday, not Paramore. And I’m happy to call myself a fan. ;D

Then, we went to the newly opened Al-Ikhsan at Jalan Kelawei. I bought an Adidas bag & I love it oh so much! xD After that, we went to Gurney Plaza. I bought nothing at Gurney while my bro bought a Transformers’ action figure & Transformers’ pencil case. It’s all about Transformers nowadays. Lol .

My all-time favorite band, Paramore! xD

Already lovin' it ;)


Anonymous said…
Hey Monday is awesome !
haneul. said…
i know, right?? xD

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