Friends Forever.

Now I started to miss my friends. They have gone to their respective university. Most of them are in UiTM. I have a week to get myself together, get a grip & be prepared. It’s gonna be my time soon. Honestly, I don’t know what to expect. I just hope my life would not be suck once I’m there. It’s freaking me out to think about being bullied by others. But I won’t be bullied, that’s the promise I made to myself. I’m strong & I can get thru all the mess, problems or whatever you call it. Or so I hope. I’m happy but at the same time, I feel so miserable, so insecure, so alone. Those feelings are kinda mixed together by other feelings that I know not. Whatever it is, I’m so gonna miss my friends. =)


(the one on the left)

He’s my BFFL. He’s MORE than a best friend, MORE than a boy friend. Our friendship is kinda complicated. But 1 thing for sure, we are NOT an item. He is NOT my boyfriend. He is just a FRIEND who is a BOY. See? I have told you it’s complicated. And I don’t give a shit about what other people are gonna said about us. We’re happy with ourselves, happy with our friendship. We’ve been friends since we were 10. We’ve been friends for almost 10 years. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to protect our friendship, to make it last forever. And we’ll be FRIENDS FOREVER. I <3 him ="">


She’s my BFFL too. My ‘other half’. We were like twins. No, WE ARE twins. We shared almost everything together. She used to be my partner in crime. And people thought we were a lesbian couple. Fuck them, all right! We had so much fun together. I would never forget the moments when we were being ‘gedik’ & naughty when we were in the same high school. It was crazy & what’s crazier is that I still have the memories inside my brain & I’m pretty sure it’ll be stocked there for a looooong time. ;) We’ve been great friends since we were 13. We may not have been together that long but we know each other well. We trust each other. We believe in each other. And I believe we ‘belong’ together, as a friend. I “HEART” HER. <3


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