Best Friends For Life.

Best Friends 4ever young ;p

Hanging out at a park.

Hang out with my BFFLs, Iqbal & Adil @ Gurney. We had so much fun & I was hoping that it would last, maybe forever...? But, good things always end. (So cliché la... Lol). We watched a movie called “Night at the Museum 2”. I loved it! There’s a scene I can’t forget, that is when the 3 cute little cupids appeared on screen. It was hilarious! And the cupids are so cute. They are actually Jonas Brothers! Gosh, I just know that! Haha! xD After that, we did nothing but camwhoring. Yeap! We just love cameras & I think cameras love us too. ;) And that's it. Got nothing more to say. These photos explain it all. ;)

The movie tix (as a proof that we're not

Back to the past, when we were still little kids. ;D

Can you spot the difference between these two photos??



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