A Day Out.

I think I’m addicted to Twitter right now. It’s all Anis’ fault! xDD I spent hours on Twitter, just thinking about what to write, what to tell. Blah, I’m not here to bitch about my Twitter addiction. xD I’m here to talk about my day out. I’ve been planning out this day for weeks. Phew! We, my sis, Mom & I went to AEON SPC (it’s a shopping centre!). I wanted to buy new sports shoes. The old ones are getting ‘old’ & ruined. LOL. First thing I did when we arrived was cashing out my cash from the ATM. xD Then, we went to…Umm, where, eh? I can’t remember. xD Oh, maybe we went to..Hah! To PDI store! LMAO! Gosh, I wished I had MORE money with me. The clothes are ‘blinding’ me. I almost bought a shirt from the store, but thank God I still remembered my ‘tujuan’ of being here. xD I still got RM250 by the time we were at Popular book store. And once again I was blinded by my biggest obsession: books. Urgh! It was so hard to be in a bookstore without buying a book. Therefore, I decided to buy a novel AFTER I got the shoes. The shoes come first before anything else. xD Yeah, I did bought the shoes. It’s amazing! I bought shoes by using my own money! What an achievement! xD But..I spent whole lot of my money while we were there. And that makes me rethink about my spending
NIKE sports shoes = RM199.00
Bright Shiny Morning = RM26.32 (after 20% disc)
English Essentials the Easy Way = RM13.52 (after 20% disc)
Garnier Light Eye Roll-On = RM24.90
Silky White Pressed Powder = RM7.50

Boy, now I have a financial problem. Like Rebecca Bloomwood. My bro was telling me about Edward Cullen’s collector’s item (a figurine) that drives me crazy. I wanna own it! So I made a mental note: no more shopping until I got the figurine that worth RM70. Oh, God!


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