Spread Your Wings.

I had this post in draft for almost 2 days. I really want to say many things about this particular topic, but like what my twitter bio says, I don't really know how to say things. Okay so let's begin. From the title, do you think you know what I'm going to write about? If you follow me on twitter, I'd say you know. It's about my current obsession. The obsession I picked up about a day and a half ago. BTS' new album, "WINGS" . Yeap, that's it. That's the thing I'm gonna write about this time. I know my past posts are mostly about my interest in kpop and; you would roll your eyes before even reading it, but do I care? I still will write whatever I want to, so deal with it. *flips hijab* (lol) BTS released their 2nd full album on Oct 10, 12AM. I downloaded the album and listened to it twice before going to sleep. And I must say that WINGS is their BEST album so far, and it is THE BEST kpop album I've ever listened to. Hands...