The Lawson boys finally arrived in Malaysia! And I was there to welcome them! :D I was standing at the arrival barrier and Adam came to us, I reached for his hand AND I GOT TO TOUCH IT!! I TOUCHED ADAM PITTS' HAND!! :'D I've been dreaming about this for months & the moment finally arrived! I was shaking & felt like crying.. He was nice! Nicer than Andy tho. Andy was in a bad mood, I think. Didn't blame him. Long day of travelling could drain your energy. Maybe he was just tired. I forgive him for not smiling at me. :) Ryan was like a child. He received so many gifts and he even said, "Wow, so many gifts.. It feels like Christmas." Hahaha. :D And Joel was nowhere to be seen. He was MIA for awhile. Gosh, those boys are even better-looking in real life. Andy & Ryan are tall, as expected. Adam is a liiiiitle taller than me, which is awesoooome we're probably soulmates in another life... I didn't get to take a pic with Andy, Ryan &...