Another Cool Dream.

"VAS HAPPENIN'??" Last night, I had a dream. It was probably the coolest, the most awesome, most vivid dream I've ever had in my life... I'm gonna tell you every freaking detail about that dream. The Main Casts: Kyle Patrick of The Click Five. Ieka Durrani (ME!) Supporting Casts: The rest of TC5 members. School kids I don't even know. Place: SMK Bukit Jambul (Idk why this place was "chosen" to be the setting of my dream.. This wasn't the first time, tho. I've lost count of it..) Ok, so here we go... The dream started with The Click Five performed at my former school. Idk for what occasion, they were just there... After their performance, they left the hall. I tried to get Kyle's attention by yelling, "Hey, Kyle!" Sadly, he didn't hear nor notice me. The girl next to me started whispering to her friend. They probably thought I was some sort of an attention whore. I didn't give a da...