
Showing posts from December, 2010

What I Want.

WHAT DO I WANT? I want... 1. To quit study 2. To work. 3. To have my own money. 4. To go to a couple of concerts next year. 5. To buy lots of new clothes + shoes. 6. To watch every movies in the cinemas. 7. "This is War Deluxe" (the blue cover). 8. "Notes from the Outernet" (signed and numbered) 9. At least ONE shirt / hoodie from "Glamour Kills " or "JAGK ". 10. At least ONE "Defector" (biker jacket) from "Straight to Hell" . 11. Blackberry Bold 9780 12. An iPad. 13. A headphone, "Solo" (black) from "Beats by Dr Dre" . 14. An earphone, "Heartbeats by Lady Gaga" (black chrome - with control talk) from "Beats by Dr Dre" . 15. HP ENVY 14 Beats Edition. 16. Jared's hair to stay like this forever. 17. To have a hair like this . If I get at least THREE of those things mentioned above, I'd die a happy girl. Is that too much to ask??

We Won the AFF Suzuki Cup!

OMG! Today was a great day!!! Malaysia won the AFF Suzuki Cup for the first time by beating Indonesia! HAHA. I'm sooooooooooo proud of the NT. I'm so glad they win so that the Indos won't shit us anymore. FUCKYEAH! And the blue kit is a lucky charm. FYI, Malaysia had never lost when wearing the blue (away) kit and never won with the yellow (home) kit. :S I guess it's time to change the tradition a little bit..?? :) So, Malaysia actually lost the second leg match but it was not enough to prevent us from winning the cup. We won with 4-2 on aggregate. :) TBH, I've never felt this proud before. Maybe I felt 'challenged' by the Indonesians who kept on 'kutuk-ing' us, accusing us for things we didn't actually do, so I decided to be proud once and for all. Lol. Oh! What makes me feel prouder and prouder was the fact that Rio Ferdinand tweeted this! ;D OHMYGOD I FEEL SO FUCKING PROUD!!! x) And this makes me LMFAO-ed. Haha.

Jared the Fashionisto.

I think my blog has now become a Jared Leto's appreciation blog or something because I can't seem to stop posting anything about him lately. Pardon a mi. I'm just a fan of him & 30 Seconds to Mars. :/ Ok. So.. Since I became his die-hard-fan a long time ago, I've been watching this guy very closely. From his hairstyles to his fashion sense and I gotta say I'm impressed. He has a very good sense of fashion & he's definitely a fashionisto. He nailed every clothes he wears. I mean, he's definitely good in mix and match. And he has a looooooot of great jackets. Not to mention, the shoes.... I WANT THEM ALL!! Dayum man! He owns not one, but THREE Defector jackets from "Straight to Hell"..! Damn, I looooooooove the white one. *sigh* This is the jacket where he wore during the photoshoot for This is War Deluxe's booklet. It was from EMP. Simply gorgeous. *drools* And this is a Black Waxed Leather biker jacket from Philip Lim. Sexy, ain't i...


I must say I had a fucking great time yesterday. AFF Suzuki Cup Final (1st leg), Malaysia won 3-0 against Indonesia. Which was fucking awesome. What made it more awesome was the 'ignorant' protest from the Indonesia's GK about someone 'torched' a laser on him...? And he blame Malaysia for it, like whadaafuck?? I was pretty damn sure it was their own people who did that. You know, just to sabotage the match & put Malaysia on blame. Idk. I was just saying. *shrugs* and a few hours later... Something happened on Twitter which made me laugh my ass off. Me & my twitter friends were laughing at their ignorance and foolishness. They even started to trend #malaysiacheatlaser & srsly? WHY WOULD MALAYSIA CHEAT THE LASER? Must say, they have a very, very BAD grammar and they seriously need to go back to school. And I print screen-ed the tweets they sent me. Guess you might want to have a read.. MEANWHILE IN BRITAIN....... Manchester United 2-0 Sunderland Berbato...

Happy Birthday, Jared Joseph Leto!

(Ps: This is a Jared Leto appreciation post. All the contents may make you feel extremely 'high'. You know, because of the 'sexy-ness'. LOL.) Well, okay. As we all know, today.. December 26th, is the birthday of an extremely beautiful human being ever existed.. And he goes by the name of Jared Joseph Leto . It's the day he turns 39.. Oh, God he's officially 19 years and 4 months older than I am. :/ I posted something on my Tumblr. Specially for Jared. I feel like tweeting him, to show him the post but it was sort of embarrassing. Lol. I'd rather not to let him see that. Hee.. And, I still believe he's a vampire. Yup. So here goes..... ;) Yeah, continue raping me with those eyes.. Make my ovaries explode.. Do anything you want to me.. Lawl! xoxo

Amazing Photos of an Amazing Man From Amazing Shows.

I found a lot of photos of 30 Seconds to Mars / Jared Leto on a website-which-i-can't-say. Most of the photos are amazing, shot by amazing photographers, I assume. I wanna share some of the photos with you guys over here. :) He's an angel in the rock scene. He really is. "Jared, why are you wearing a Buzz Lightyear suit?" LAWL! "Whoa-oh-oh-oh-whoa!!" FACE!! Funny face. Haha xD asdfghjkl! Do I need to explain more about this photo??? Tomo in action! YEAH! Ah, Jared with his smurfy blue hair.. Rockin' hard with Shannon. I love, adore the outfit he was wearing. And he looks super great in all-white. I love his jacket, his guitar, his pants, his body, his... Ok. Stop. Fuckin love this one. Bet he was singing "This is War" when this photo was taken. Oh, God.. I love this photo. His face spells 'enthusiasm'. Ah, look at the light behind him.. It shines. Lol. I love it when he did that. Asked the fans aka family to sing a long. Look at his gui...