
Showing posts from September, 2010

My Top 10 Male Models.

I am physically & mentally obsessed with male models. Once upon a time, when I was lurking on Tumblr, I saw a young, yummyliciously hot male model on my dash and bam! The obsession starts. I became attracted to them because of the same reasons; the messy hair, the sexy looks, the seducing jaw, the raping eyes, the gorgeous abs and the jaw-dropping body. Here is the list of my personal top male models of all time. 1. Jon Kortajarena Or Jon K for short. He’s a top model from Spain. He was born in Bilbao on May 18, 1985. He is known for h is distinguishing chisell e d cheekbones, piercin g st are, and full pout. He has this unexplainable gorgeous look. I don’t know how to describe it. I think his face is very Spanish. Jajaja. xP I loooooooooove this guy. He has the best featured on his face. Everything about him is perfect! He is perfect for a model. He is my own Edward Cullen. There’s a photo of him looking almost like Edward. Pale-whited skin, a piercing stare coming ...


There are so many things I wish I could change. So many things I wish I could do. Things I wish I knew. I wish.... I wish to not going back to college. I wish I would receive a lot of 'duit raya'. I wish I could have all the money in the world. I wish I could buy stuff from Burberry. I wish I could go to every concerts. I wish to never be lazy again. I wish to be a better story-writer. I wish all the problems would just stop flowing. I wish I knew who hates me. I wish I knew why they hate me. I wish I could have 'him'. I wish Jon K would reply to my tweet (lolwut?) I wish the Jews would stop terrorizing Palestine. I wish the people who are anti-Islamic would just go to hell. I wish the people who think that Islam is about violence would die now. I wish the world would be peaceful again. I wish I could change the world.

A Little Something About Me.

My name is Syafiqa Durrani . My family called me Ika. My closest friends called me Ika. My schoolmates called me Syafiqa, college mates called me Durrani. Ieka Durran i is the name I used on the internet. Internet friends called me Ieka :) I got a couple of addictions. I’m addicted to music , football and social networking sites . I started to properly listen to music when I was 9. I still remember on one evening , my sis tuned in to an English radio station called Hitz.FM . I was hooked since then. I fell in love with English-language songs and until now, I’m like the biggest fan of English songs. My first favourite band? Linkin Park . :D I started reading and buying English magazines when I was 11. My first mag? Galaxie , of course! I swear I never missed even one issue of Galaxie from then till now. I’m a loyal fan :) I became a football fan in the year 2002 , when the FIFA World Cup 2002 was held in Korea & Japan. The first ever team I love? Deutschland fussball Nationalmannsc...