Andra Raimi - The love of my heart.

Date: 28 June 2010 Time: 11.38am Place: Hospital Seberang Perai A cute, white-skinned baby boy was born to the world by a cesarean surgery because his mother could not conceive him the normal way. He was supposed to be born on June 25th, but due to some complications, the process of bringing him out from his mother's tummy was postponed for a couple of days. The baby boy was then given a name; Andra Raimi. Why Andra, you may ask? Because Andra is the baby boy's father's favorite musician from Indonesia. Andra and the Backbone, does that ring a bell? Yeah. I did not get to see him because I was gone to AS when he was born. Sad, I know. But I somehow will see him for the first time ever tomorrow. :)