
Showing posts from July, 2010

Andra Raimi, my baby boo.

This is Andra Raimi, my one and only nephew, the son of my brother, my parents' grandson. Sejak dia dilahirkan kat dunia ni, hidup aku jadi bahagia ya amat. Aku sayang gila kat budak kecik ni. Hehe. Umur tak sampai sebulan tapi my bro said dia kuat, keras. Dah pandai teleng2 kepala, angkat2 kepala cam budak 4, 5 bulan. Dan dia jugak dah pandai tengok TV! Serius bijak! Haha! Bila dia dah pandai jalan, aku nak train dia main bola. Nak train dia jadi peminat tegar bola cam abah & Acu dia, huhu. Aku jugak nak ajar dia tengok educational channels such as Nat Geo, Animal Planet etc. NO CARTOONS, please. Nak ajar dia layan channel Oasis. Bila besar nanti, boleh jadi Ustaz. Tak mau artis2. Tak ada masa depan, huhu. Aku ni dah macam mak dia pulak. Padahal auntie dia ja, haha! Lagi satu, aku & akak aku dah berangan nak beli baju / kasut branded kat our beloved nephew ni. Baju2 Baby Gap, Guess Kids & macam2 lagi la. Nak pamper dia but at the same time garang dengan dia so that dia...

The Characteristics of My Dream Guy.

Haha! Ni first time kot aku tulis blog in my mother-tongue language iaitu Bahasa Melayu. OK, aku kedengaran poyo, tapi betul lah! Jarang benar aku tulis blog in Malay. Tu pun bukan 100% Malay. Ada sedikit rojak. No, banyak rojak. Can’t help it, aku dah biasa write in English. :/ So in this entry, aku nak discuss about ciri-ciri yang perlu ada pada my future husband. Ciri-ciri lelaki idaman la, senang cerita. Huhu. Dah ramai yang tanya soalan ni kat aku, tapi aku tak jawab because jawapan aku akan mengambil masa yang agak lama. Kesian pulak kat diorang nanti masa terhabis begitu ja, hehehe. Ok, that’s enough. Back to our main topic; Ciri-ciri Lelaki Idamanku. So here’s the list... :D 1 . Tinggi. Yup, tinggi. Taller than me. Aku tengok sekarang ramai kot lelaki yang pendek daripada aku. No offense, but it’s true. Rasa cam susah lak nak cari lelaki yang tinggi zaman sekarang ni. Ramai yang tak cukup hormon. Lol! JK! xD 2. Pandai buat lawak. Aku tak nak yang sentiasa lawak sampai da...

WC 2010: 3rd Place: GERMANY.

I'm proud of my team. I'm so gonna miss all of them. It's sad to think about how they have to go back to their respective clubs after the WC ended. There's no word that could describe my love for Germany. It's beyond words. They are special. Nothing can stop me from supporting them. OK, this could go on and on.. So I j ust wanna say 1 thing; Ich werde immer da sein für Deutschland, egal was. jetzt und immerdar. ♥

Andra is Smarter Now.

Yesterday, I went to my sis-in-law's house to visit my beloved nephew, Andra. It has been a week since the last time I saw him. He grew bigger! And stronger! :D His mom said that he gained a KG within a week. Wow, I'm impressed! :D He's smarter now. And of course, cuter. :D

Crying My Heart Out.

Everybody knows by now that my beloved national team, Germany had lost to Spain last night. I cried so hard. I can't believe it's over. My team had failed to reach the final. :( The last time I cried this hard was 2 years ago. Defeated by the same damn team! I fucking hate Spain! I woke up crying, I cried while I was having a shower. I have never been this upset before. "Nothing's gonna change after this. I will continue to support the team that goes by the name of GERMANY. Win or lose, it doesn't matter. They have played well. I've never been prouder. Deutschland, du bist der Beste!" Read the full article here and here And hey! I feel like killing the damn octopus for its prediction! I'm not the only one who wants to grill it. Haha! ( article )